IOT Meeting #54 | 7 July 2020 @ 17:00 UTC
IOT Meeting #54 | 7 July 2020 @ 17:00 UTC
Members: Ariel Manoff, Becky Burr, David McAuley, Flip Petillion, Greg Shatan, Helen Lee, Kristina Rosette, Kavouss Arasteh, Kurt Pritz, Malcolm Hutty, Nigel Roberts, Robin Gross, Samantha Eisner, Scott Austin, Susan Payne
Observers: Chris Disspain, Kate Wallace, Liz Le
ICANN Org: Bernard Turcotte, Brenda Brewer
Apologies: Mike Silber
** If your name is missing from attendance or apology, please send note to mssi-secretariat@icann.org **
- Updates to SOIs
- Role of the IRP-IOT on the IRP Standing Panel Selection
- Translations proposed final text
- Consolidation, intervention and participation as amicus – continuation of discussion; consideration of materials circulated by Sam and Liz
- Next call 21 July 1900 UTC
- mp3 (1.25:23)
- Zoom Replay
- None.
Action Items:
- SP to draft letter for SO/ACs regarding panel selection and how the IOT could assist.
- BT to move SA version of the translation document to Google to allow all to comment.
- Members to complete the new SOI form and submit to BT by the next meeting.
- Members to comment on google version of translation document.
- Members to review information circulated by Liz Le and Sam Eisner regarding Consolidation Intervention and participation as Amicus, for further discussion on this topic by email and at next meeting
Zoom Chat Transcript
- EN