Q: I have problems translating the Infographics in the PPT templates
The Decks provided use certain Infographics. As the text is embedded in the actual graphic image, you can show it translated by using the following steps
- In PPT, select a "rectangle" shape, and place it over the current text displayed in the rectangle.
2. Right click on the newly placed rectangle, and select "Edit Text"
3. You can now insert your local language text in the rectangle.
4. To adjust the color of the rectangle to match the background of other elements
a. Right click on the rectangle and select "Format Shape".
b. Adjust the "Line" and "Fill" options to the color of the background
5. This completes this example.
You can use similar techniques to adjust the other Infographics or to have request ICANN Language Services to help in the translation of the Infographic to your local language send a request to Community2ICANNLanguages@icann.org. Please include the Infographic images you require and local language. We will contact you to help with the translation of the Infogrfaphic.