OSC Communications Team
Next Meeting:
Thursday 25 February 2010 at 1800 UTC
Face-to-Face at ICANN Annual Meeting in Seoul, South Korea, Sunday, 25 October at 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. (Saturday, 24 October: 1900 PDT, 2200 EDT, 2300 Buenos Aires; Sunday, 26 October: 0200 London, 0300 CEST)
16 September 2009 See Previous Meeting Notes
Action Items:
Task 3: Soliciting Meaningful Feedback (Helen and Zbynek)
--Work Team members should review the Draft Recommendations from Zbynek. Julie circulated the ICANN policy translation procedures and notes from the meeting with Christina Rodriguez.
Task 4: Improve Coordination with ICANN Structures (Mason)
--Mason will complete his analysis of what is being done already in ICANN and what needs to be done. Mason will draft an outline/template document for output.
*Tasks 1 and 2: Scott Pinzon, Ken Bour, and Chris Chaplow presented their proposal for how to enhance GNSO.icann.org. They based their ideas on the business requirements previously approved by the CCT, supplemented by the results of 17 in-depth interviews and 230 survey responses from users of gnso.icann.org and icann.org. According to the research, the top three most common tasks of visitors to gnso.icann.org are: 1) Trying to find a specific document; 2) Managing tasks by using the GNSO calendar; and 3) Trying to learn the latest developments on a policy issue. Scott and team then presented seven wireframe pages indicating how the site could be reorganized to optimize for those three tasks. Additionally, they shared ideas on how the site could become friendlier to newcomers and reflect the human side of the GNSO community. The chair and co-chair endorsed the proposed approach as work product of the CCT, and are now seeking opportunities to gain further input from GNSO constituencies. See GNSO Web Site Enhancements: Seek Peek
Final Draft Version 1.2 of the GNSO Website Business Requirements
Work Team Members:
• Sedar Acir - Registrar contact for Turkish Registry
• Fouad Bajwa - Non-Commercial Users Constituency
• Chris Chaplow - Commercial and Business Users Constituency
• Mason Cole - Registrar Constituency
• Steve Holsten - gTLD Registries Constituency
• Helen Laverty - DotAlliance
• Zbynek Loebl - Intellectual Property Interests Constituency
• Catherine Sigmar - gTLD Registries Constituency
• Antonio Tavares - Internet Service and Connectivity Providers Constituency
• Jaime Wagner - Internet Service and Connectivity Providers Constituency
See Work Team Statements of Interest at GNSO OSC CCT Work Team SOIs.pdf
Reference Documents:
BGC Working Group's February 2008 Final Report on GNSO Improvements
London School of Economics Public Report (Sept 2006)