2025-01-22 GNSO Standing Selection Committee

2025-01-22 GNSO Standing Selection Committee

The GNSO Standing Selection Committee call will take place on Wednesday, 22 January 2025 at 20:00 UTC for 1 hour.

For other places see: https://tinyurl.com/bdeu2b82


  1. Welcome and SOI updates
  2. Selection Process (see Process and Timeline) for GNSO-Appointed Fellowship Program Mentor:
    • Review of Poll Results
    • Discussion and Selection of Candidate
  3. Selection Process (see Process and Timeline) for GNSO-Appointed Fellowship Selection Committee Member:
    • Review of Poll Results
    • Discussion and Selection of Candidate
  4. Next Steps
  5. Next Steps for ICANN Fellowship Program Selection Processes:
    • 48-hour Consensus Call
    • Notify Fellowship Program by 31 January (subject to confirmation by GNSO Council)
    • Motion to GNSO Council on 03 February for 13 February Meeting
  6. Next Selection Process - Chair of Latin Diacritics PDP Working Group: 27 January
  7. AOB   




Apologies: none



Audio Recording

Zoom Recording

GNSO transcripts are located on the GNSO Calendar

Notes/ Action Items

Action Items] 

  • GNSO Support Staff to send a Consensus Call email to the SSC list with the preliminary decision to put forward Glen De Saint Géry as the GNSO-nominated ICANN Fellowship Program Mentor and Maud Adjeley Ashong Elliot as the GNSO-nominated ICANN Fellowship Program Selection Committee Member and ask for non-objection in 48 hours.
  • GNSO Support Staff to open the poll on 23 January for SSC members to complete on Latin Script Diacritics PDP WG Chair candidates by 27 January.


1.Welcome and SOI updates

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2.Selection Process (see Process and Timeline) for GNSO-Appointed Fellowship Selection Committee Member:

    1. Review of Poll Results

    1. Discussion and Selection of Candidate
  • No concerns or objections were raised from the Team and Karen, the Chair, requested Staff to issue a Consensus Call email to the SSC list with the preliminary decision to put forward Maud Adjeley Ashong Elliot as the nominee, and ask for non-objection in 48 hours. (~24 January). 


*Action Item: GNSO Support Staff to send a Consensus Call email to the SSC list with the preliminary decision to put forward Maud Adjeley Ashong Elliot as the GNSO-nominated ICANN Fellowship Program Selection Committee Member and ask for non-objection in 48 hours.


3.Selection Process (see Process and Timeline) for GNSO-Appointed Fellowship Program Mentor:

1.Review of Poll Results

 2.Discussion and Selection of Candidate

  • Mark was the ICANN Fellowship Program Mentor for 2024. Glen ranked second at the time. Overall, the Team had no objections to the ranking presented through the survey tool.
  • Qu) Julf asked: What was Mark Datysgeld’s feedback as the Mentor for 2024, if any, and why was there a “No” for Glen de Saint Géry in the response?

Natalie Howatson voted “No” to Glen, not due to her lack of qualifications but for in favor of other candidates (Glen was not included as one of her top rankings). As Natalie is newer to the ICANN space and lacks historical background, she does not oppose to the candidate (Glen).

  • Pedro Lana mentioned that he is also in favor of the top 3 ranked in the survey result. He went on further to ask if there are any background checks conducted with newcomers and/or how the ombuds office can come into play in these situations?

Unsure if this is currently implemented nor can be implemented at this juncture, especially due to confidentiality issue, but the Team agreed that an ombuds feedback/input would be helpful for this process and if not present right now, it could be considered at a later time.

  • Karen, as SSC Chair, requested Staff to issue a Consensus Call email to the SSC list with the preliminary decision to put forward Glen De Saint Géry as the nominee, and ask for non-objection in 48 hours (~24 January).


4.Next Steps

a.Next Steps for ICANN Fellowship Program Selection Processes:

  • 48-hour Consensus Call
  • Staff to send a Consensus Call email to the SSC list with the preliminary decision to put forward Glen De Saint Géry as the Mentor nominee and Maud Adjeley Ashong Elliot as the Selection Committee Member nominee for the GNSO-appointed Fellowship Program, and ask for non-objection in 48 hours. (~24 January)


  • Notify Fellowship Program by 31 January (subject to confirmation by GNSO Council)
  • Motion to GNSO Council on 03 February for 13 February Meeting
  • If no objections, a motion will proceed for the GNSO Council to vote at the 13 February Council Meeting.

 b.Next Selection Process - Chair of Latin Diacritics PDP Working Group: 27 January

- Wiki page for Latin Script Diacritics PDP WG Chair selection process, including the two (2) candidates and EOI:https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/GSSC/pages/97585377/WG+Chair+for+Latin+Script+Diacritics+PDP

- The GNSO held an Expression of Interest [gnso.icann.org] (EOI) process to solicit volunteers for the GNSO Latin Script Diacritics Policy Development Process (PDP) Working Group (WG) Chair position. The EOI closed on 20 January 2025, receiving two (2) candidates. The GNSO Council has tasked the SSC with evaluating the candidates and recommending one (1) individual. The GNSO Council will review the SSC's recommendation and make a final decision on the nominee.

- Timeline:

  • 03 January 2025: EOI Announcement
  • 06 January 2025: SSC Kick-Off Meeting
  • 20 January 2025: Deadline for Latin Script Diacritics PDP WG Chair EOI
  • 23 January 2025: Open poll for SSC members to complete on Latin Script Diacritics PDP WG Chair candidates
  • 27 January 2025: Close poll for SSC members to complete on Latin Script Diacritics PDP WG Chair candidates
  • 27 January 2025: SSC meeting to discuss Latin Script Diacritics PDP WG Chair candidates
  • 27 January 2025: Start consensus call for candidate selection
  • 29 January 2025: End consensus call for candidate selection
  • 03 February 2025: Document and Motion Deadline for GNSO Council meeting
  • 13 February 2025: Council confirms candidate recommended by SSC
  • Qu) Julf asked about a potential situation where the candidate is not agreed upon.

 Staff responded that another meeting will be scheduled to reach an agreement.

  • Qu) Susan will not be present for the call on Monday, 27 January. How will the selection process proceed/reach an agreement without the presence of some members?

 Prior to the call, the poll will be open for the members to provide their preferences/comments. Following the call/discussion, a Consensus Call of 48 hours will be held for the members to object, if necessary. Karen also requested that if any concerns on results arise, even if not present, that the members should send an email to the group, which can be considered and discussed during the call and can be left on record.


*Action Item: GNSO Support Staff to open the poll on 23 January for SSC members to complete on Latin Script Diacritics PDP WG Chair candidates by 27 January.


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