GAC Liaison - 2024
SSC Assignment Overview
The term of the current GNSO Liaison to the GAC will end at ICANN81. The SSC has been tasked with reviewing candidates for the GAC Liaison role and recommending a candidate to the GNSO Council. The SSC will submit its recommendation to the GNSO Council in the form of a motion for confirmation of GNSO Liaison to the GAC to the GNSO Council by 08 August 2024 at the latest.
Selection Process Timeline
Date | Step |
08 July 2024 | Expressions of Interest deadline |
09 July 2024 | EOIs received by Standing Selection Committee (SSC) |
18 July 2024 | SSC will review the applications received and rank these taking into account the skills and experience required |
19 July 2024 | Based on the outcome of the ranking process, the SSC will contact the number 1 candidate to confirm the selection |
29 July 2024 | The SSC will submit its recommendation to the GNSO Council in the form of a motion for confirmation of GNSO Liaison to the GAC to the GNSO Council |
08 August 2024 | Consideration of motion and approval of candidate by GNSO Council during GNSO Council meeting |
09 August 2024 | Confirmation of candidate to GAC leadership |
14 November 2024 | GNSO Liaison to the GAC officially takes up its role at the ICANN Annual General Meeting (AGM) |
The following Call for Expressions of Interest was sent to SG/C leadership on 30 May 2024:
Dear GNSO Stakeholder Group and Constituency (SG/C) Leaders,
Please see the attached Call for Expressions of Interest for the GNSO Liaison to the Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC)
The leadership of each Stakeholder Group / Constituency has the opportunity to submit the application of one or more candidate(s) it supports for the role, but it is not required to submit any applications.
Consistent with the original recommendation of the GAC-GNSO Consultation Group and previous practice, applications will not be accepted from individuals for this process. If an individual attempts to submit an application, they will be requested to contact the leadership of their SG/C.
The deadline for submitting applications via the attached application template is on 08 July 2024 to allow for the intervening ICANN80 meeting and accommodate SG/Cs who may need additional time to consider candidates before the deadline. Candidates should submit applications to the GNSO Secretariat at:
Please note that GNSO Liaison to the GAC officially takes up its role at the ICANN Annual General Meeting (AGM) (by 14 November 2024).
Thank you for your consideration.
Kind regards,
GNSO Secretariat
Expression of Interest-GNSO Council GAC liaison 28 May 2024.docx
Application Template-GNSO Council GAC liaison 28 May 2024.docx
Application Process:
1. The leadership of each Stakeholder Group / Constituency may submit the application of its candidate(s), which should include at a minimum a link to a completed and current statement of interest as well as a brief note explaining why the candidate has applied for this role and how the candidate meets the specific requirements by 08 July 2024 to the GNSO Secretariat ( Candidates are requested to complete the attached application template.
2. The GNSO Secretariat will relay the applications received by the deadline to the Standing Selection Committee (SSC) by 09 July 2024.
3. The SSC will review the applications received and rank these taking into account the skills and experience required as outlined in this call for volunteers by 18 July 2024.
4. Based on the outcome of the ranking process, the SSC will contact the number 1 candidate to confirm the selection by 19 July 2024
5. The SSC will submit its recommendation to the GNSO Council in the form of a motion for confirmation of GNSO Liaison to the GAC to the GNSO Council by 29 July 2024 at the latest
6. Consideration of motion and approval of candidate by GNSO Council during GNSO Council meeting on 08 August 2024.
7. Confirmation of candidate to GAC leadership (09 August 2024).
8. GNSO Liaison to the GAC officially takes up its role at the ICANN Annual General Meeting (AGM) (by 14 November 2024).