2021-04-08 GNSO Standing Selection Committee
The GNSO Standing Selection Committee teleconference will take place on Thursday, 08 April 2021 at 13:00 UTC for 60 minutes.
For other places see: https://tinyurl.com/33p34umb
- Welcome/Agenda Review/SOI Updates
- Review of Poll Results – Second GNSO Rep to the CRG (poll results will be shared once the poll closes)
- Discussion of Candidates – Second GNSO Rep to the CRG
Notes/ Action Items
Action Items:
ACTION ITEM: Staff to initiate a 24-hour period of non-objection over the SSC mailing list.
ACTION ITEM: SSC Leadership to submit a motion for GNSO Council consideration by the Motion and Document deadline of 12 April 2021.
- SOI Updates: None provided.
2. Review of Poll Results – Second GNSO Rep to the CRG
-- 7 responses.
-- In terms of substantive questions:
Q3 Overall rating: All candidates were rated highly with slight variations.
Q4 Candidates understanding of IRP and role as ICANN accountability mechanism: All candidates rated highly with slight variations.
Q5: Organizational and process experience: All candidates rated highly with slight variations.
Q6: Awareness of diversity: Candidates were highly rated across the board.
Q7: Comments: Just two comments -- one favored a candidate as being from the Contracted Parties House; second response rated all candidates highly but with a slight preference.
3. Discussion of Candidates – Second GNSO Rep to the CRG
-- Pleased that we pursued this additional EOI period particularly the quality of the candidates received.
-- Comment on having someone from the CPH with someone from the NCPH would be a good balance.
-- We have excellent candidates.
-- Trying to achieve two things: 1) someone who understands the GNSO; 2) someone who understands the accountability mechanisms. Donna clearly understands the GNSO – former vice-chair and chair of her stakeholder group. It would be good to have someone from the CPH and NCPH.
-- Also aligned with the suggestion to have a balance between CPH and NCPH.
-- Not adding an extra criteria, but taking this into consideration (that is, the balance between CPH and NCPH).
-- One consideration could be what is the aggregate collection of skills and expertise the candidates together would provide.
-- If we bring in Donna we bring in the other side of the house. This is why together Heather and Donna would be ideal. They also work well together.
-- Consensus of the members on the call to put forward Donna as the candidate for the Council’s consideration.
Next Steps:
-- 24-hour period of non-objection over the SSC mailing list.
-- Submit the motion for consideration at the April GNSO Council meeting – motion due on Monday, 12 April.
4. AOB: From Craig Schwartz
-- Question: The briefing document on December 16, 2020 on SSC: Sentence in introduction of the slate of nominees being put forward to the Board – is the Board just approving, or is the Board approving some and not others?
-- The process foresees that ICANN will facilitate but there is a role for the SOs/ACs and Board; last step is “final selection shall be subject to Board confirmation which shall not be unreasonably withheld.”
-- See the guidance document at: community.icann.org/pages/viewpage.action?spaceKey=GSSCMO&title=2nd+Rep+to+CRG+-+IRP+Standing+Panel+-+Additional+Materials&preview=/153520767/153520779/Guidance%20Document%20for%20SSC%20on%20Community%20Representatives%20Group%20-%2017%20Dec%202020.pdf