2020-01-08 GNSO Standing Selection Committee
The GNSO Standing Selection Committee teleconference will take place on Wednesday, 08 January 2020 at 13:00 UTC for 60 minutes.
For other places see: https://tinyurl.com/uvsqklq
- Welcome/Agenda Review/SOI Updates
- GNSO Fellowship Program Mentor Selection
- Review of poll results (to be provided when the poll closes on Tuesday 7 January at 13:00 UTC)
- Discussion of candidates (https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/display/GSSC/2020+GNSO+Appointed+Mentor+-+ICANN+Fellowship+Program)
- Next steps to complete selection process
3. AOB
Summary Results - Evaluation of GNSO Candidates - ICANN Fellowship Program Mentor - 2020.pdf
All Responses - Evaluation of GNSO Candidates - ICANN Fellowship Program Mentor - 2020.xlsx
Notes/ Action Items
Action Item: Staff will send a follow-up message to the SSC mailing list announcing that there was no objection/full consensus to put forward Amr Elsadr as the GNSO Fellowship Mentor Program candidate, but that members who were not on the call have until the end of the day on Friday, 10 January to indicate whether they have any comments or objections.
- SOI Updates:
Johan (Julf) Helsingius: Board member of SIY (Finnish chapter of Internet Society)
2. GNSO Fellowship Program Mentor Selection
a. Review of poll results/discussion of candidates:
-- Focus on the 4 candidates who got 100% "yes" on the skills and experience part.
-- Need to reach a consensus on one candidate.
-- Difficult for those participants in the Fellowship who are interested in the commercial aspect to not have any exposure to commercial/business. Focus seems to be more on civil society.
-- Remind us that we are appointing someone from the GNSO side as a mentor to help the fellows, but this person is not representing a specific group. Last year’s mentor was from business, but I think we should focus on the skills and experience the mentor would bring.
-- Consensus agreement to put forward Amr Elsadr as the candidate for the GNSO mentor to the Fellowship Program.
b. Next steps to complete selection process
-- In the past the process has been if there wasn’t a full attendance of the entire SSC on the call we’ve provided the opportunity on the mailing list to provide any additional perspective before declaring it final.
-- Say that based on the attendance on the call there was no opposition to putting Amr forward as a candidate but members who were not on the call can provide comments or objections in 2 days. In this case, end of day on Friday, 10 January. Deadline for the motion is 13 January.
-- Standard Operating Procedures for the SSC: It operates by full consensus -- everyone has to agree or at least not disagree/no objections as determined by the Chair. If there are strong objections on the mailing list there is an opportunity to talk about the schedule. The motion is due on 13 January but it could be submitted with a placeholder (i.e., without a name) so the SSC could have another meeting.
-- SSC could have another meeting on 15 January if needed.
-- 20 January is the last day to deliver the name to the Council.
-- Council votes at its meeting on 23 January.
-- The deadline for the Council to nominate a candidate is 31 January.
Action Item: Staff will send a follow-up message to the SSC mailing list announcing that there was no objection/full consensus to put forward Amr Elsadr as the GNSO Fellowship Mentor Program candidate, but that members who were not on the call have until the end of the day on Friday, 10 January to indicate whether they have any comments or objections.
3. AOB: None