2019-12-18 GNSO Standing Selection Committee

2019-12-18 GNSO Standing Selection Committee

The next GNSO Standing Selection Committee teleconference will take place on Wednesday, 18 December 2019 at 13:00 UTC for 60 minutes. 

For other places see:    https://tinyurl.com/wgmnn4u


  1. Welcome/Agenda Review/SOI Updates
  2. Selection of the Chair/Vice-Chair(s)
  3. Introduction to Assignment - GNSO Nominated Mentor to the ICANN Fellowship Program
  4. Agreement on Process for Mentor Selection
  5. AOB


Draft Timeline for Selection Process

As a reminder, please familiarize yourself with the following materials about the upcoming assignment:  

For those of you who are new to the SSC, it may also be helpful to read the following:



Zoom Recording

Zoom chat

GNSO transcripts are located on the GNSO Calendar

Notes/ Action Items


1. Welcome/Agenda Review/SOI Updates

-- Welcome to new SSC members

-- We now have a full slate of SSC members for the coming year: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/GSSC/pages/97583156/3.+Members+mailing+list+archives

-- SOI update - Julf is on the Board of the Finnish ISOC Chapter

2. Selection of the Chair/Vice-Chair(s)

-- Rafik is acting as temporary Chair until leadership is appointed (Rafik is ex-officio member from the Council Leadership)

-- SSC will need a Chair for the coming year, as well as a Vice-Chair

-- Carlton has volunteered as Vice-Chair

-- Julf may be willing to step forward for Chair role

ACTION ITEM: Staff will follow up on mailing list regarding volunteers for leadership of the SSC for the coming year.

3. Introduction to Assignment - GNSO Nominated Mentor to the ICANN Fellowship Program

-- Details of the assignment and EOIs are available on the wiki: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/display/GSSC/2020+GNSO+Appointed+Mentor+-+ICANN+Fellowship+Program

-- The EOI closed yesterday. 11 applications were received, including one application that came in one day after the deadline

-- SSC agrees to accept the late application and consider it with the other EOIs

-- No questions from SSC members regarding the assignment

4. Agreement on Process for Mentor Selection

-- Proposed process and timeline: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/download/attachments/97584530/Draft%20timeline%20-%20SSC%20-%2017%20Dec%202019.pptx?version=1&modificationDate=1576668143000&api=v2

-- Suggested approach: each member individually reviews applications and fills out a poll to help organize their thoughts, after which the SSC holds two meetings in the first half of January to discuss poll results, individual assessments, and any other considerations. Recommendation must be given to the GNSO Council no later than 20 January.

-- Draft poll: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/M3YVJD2

-- No objections to this approach. 

ACTION ITEM: Staff will follow up via email about the poll to individually assess EOIs.

5. AOB

-- None