2018-01-25 GNSO Standing Selection Committee
The next GNSO Standing Selection Committee teleconference will take place on Thursday, 25 January 2018 at 14:30 UTC for 60 minutes.
06:30 PDT, 09:30 EDT, 14:30 London, 15:30 CET.
For other times: https://tinyurl.com/y9u25um5
- Welcome/Agenda Review/SOI Updates
- Comparison of remaining SSR2-RT candidates and matrix of skills produced by existing SSR2-RT members (see attached and see also materials on the SSC wiki from the previous SSR2 selection process: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/aATRBQ[community.icann.org])
- Review of draft proposed revisions to the SSC Charter (if time permits, see attached draft document and comments at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1c0NllDbjSFap0KR9s61a8uXJoH78FqLtBTOgahLVeLQ/edit#[docs.google.com])
Final Charter - Standing Selection Committee FINAL- 15 March 2017 - Proposed Revisions v1.pdfSSR2 Skills Matrix for SO & AC Chairs Sheet1.pdf
Attendees: Maxim Alzoba, Renata Aquino Ribeiro, Poncelet Illelji, Susan Kawaguchi, Osvaldo Novoa, Rafik Dammak
Apologies: Erika Mann, Frédéric Guillemaut, Lori Schulman
ICANN staff: Marika Konings, Emily Barabas, Terri Agnew, Michelle DeSmyter
Notes/ Action Items
Action Item 1: Staff will circulate draft poll for feedback comparing skills of remaining SSR2-RT candidates and rows in the attached skills matrix.
Action Item 2: SSC members will review the attached redline charter and provide feedback, with particular focus on the Transparency section on page 4.
Action Item 3: Staff will send out a Doodle poll for the next meeting, planned for the second week of February.
1. Welcome/Agenda Review/SOI Updates
- no SOI updates
2. Comparison of remaining SSR2-RT candidates and matrix of skills produced by existing SSR2-RT members
- GNSO Council has tasked SSC with comparing the two remaining candidates for the SSR-RT with the skills matrix produced by the existing SSR-RT candidates.
- Existing team appears to be fairly balanced. There does not appear to be any category that is an obvious gap.
- The candidates have distinct skill sets.
- One possible path forward - one or two members take the lead in filling in candidate skills in the table. The rest of the group reviews and refines this analysis.
- Alternate approach - conduct a poll among all members.
- The SSC could also go back to the original poll completed earlier this year and see how the candidates compare, noting that this poll is less granular.
- Reminder that the Council tasked the SSC with focusing on the skills matrix and whether candidates fill any gaps. This is not yet a selection assignment.
- Members agree to conduct a new poll (see action item).
3. Review of draft proposed revisions to the SSC Charter
- Staff has created a first draft of the proposed revised charter based on the feedback received from SSC members and discussion on the previous call.
From the chat:
Maxim Alzoba: I think we need feedback from other members too
Maxim Alzoba: I have a comment about page5 - the described situation is related to the case where there is no consensus and SSC needs to report the issue to the GNSO Councel with prepared reasoning and options
Maxim Alzoba: it was about minority views
- Support expressed for keeping text: "as well as any minority views, should these exist” (at the bottom of page 5).
- Regarding the section on Transparency, the optics might be a challenge if we publish information about deliberations before the Council has made a decision.
- One suggestion -- make deliberations private, including call recordings, and email list before a decision is made, publish this information later.
- Alternately, the group continue with the status quo and ensure timely communication to candidates when the group notifies the GNSO Council of its recommendation.
From the chat:
Renata Aquino Ribeiro: I'm much more in favor of making this list only private
Maxim Alzoba: @Renata, I am not sure we can do it
Renata Aquino Ribeiro: I think halfway solutions are awkward. Either we have full transparency or not.
Renata Aquino Ribeiro: and prone to errors, non-records
Maxim Alzoba: if we do not find the way to properly design delayed output model, we might continue the usual way of SSC
Renata Aquino Ribeiro: i think the delay is just for the announcement
Maxim Alzoba: after all it works more or less Ok
Renata Aquino Ribeiro: (which is only real anyway once GNSO right?)
Emily Barabas: Perhaps the group can start with timely notifications and then if it encounters issues, look into further measures?
Maxim Alzoba: when we release the same info to all participants, it is both transparent and clear... we might need a proper disclaimer section of such messages
- Suggestion – revis-t timeline document to ensure the group is notifying candidates in a timely manner.
- Suggestion -- add additional clarification in the email from the SSC to candidates with disclaimer text.
4. AOB
- none