2017-08-14 GNSO Standing Selection Committee
The next GNSO Standing Selection Committee teleconference will take place on Monday, 14 August 2017 at 18:00 UTC for 60 minutes.
11:00 PDT, 14:00 EDT, 19:00 London, 20:00 CET
For other times: https://tinyurl.com/ycpkeh43
We have several important candidate reviews coming up soon but the replacement of Emily Taylor on the SSR2 is the most urgent. Emily decided she could no longer participate on the SSR2 and it is our responsibility to recommend a replacement candidate to the council.
SSR-2 candidates were selected before the SSC was formed, several councilors volunteered to help with the selection process including James, the chair and Donna a vice chair.
We evaluated all the candidates and selected 7. The GNSO was only able to get seats for the first three candidates but we always select more just in case another SO/AC will allow us to put more on the team.
The following were the remaining 4 candidates in alphabetical order, not ranked order.
Name | Response |
Howard Eland | No longer interested |
Scott McCormick | Interested |
Rao Naveed bin Rais | Interested |
Norm Ritchie | Interested |
ICANN staff has reached out to these candidates and all except Howard Eland is still interested in participating on the SSR-2.
The SSC will need to decide which one of these candidates we will recommend to the council.
You can find information for the 3 remaining candidates at the following link: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/aATRBQ[community.icann.org]. Please review each of these candidates for discussion on Monday.
The council would like to make this decision at their next meeting late in August and Monday is the deadline for submitting a motion for the meeting so we will need to work quickly.
Other work on our list for the near future
2) The current GAC Liaison has indicated he is not interested in another year term so a call for volunteers has gone out. The deadline for submitting applications will be Sept. 8th. We will then need to review the candidates and select one to recommend to the GNSO council.
3). We have received the list of ATRT-3 candidates with summary sheet and will need to start our review. I suggest we utilize a poll similar to what we used for the RDS-WHOIS 2 candidates. We have a bit of time to make the selection but it would be good to get started on this review.
4) Emily and Marika have drafted a document on the SSC process which includes our current experience with the process and revisions. The SSC will need to review and make edits to finalize the process and submit to the GNSO.
Attendees: Poncelet Ileleji, Julf Helsingius, Lori Schulman, Osvaldo Novoa, Maxim Alzoba, Susan Kawaguchi, Renata Aquino Ribeiro
Apologies: Frederic Guillemaut
ICANN staff: Marika Konings, Emily Barabas, Michelle DeSmyter
Notes/ Action Items
-- Attending: Julf, Maxim, Osvaldo, Renata, Susan, Poncelet, Lori
1. Welcome and Agenda Review
2. SOI Updates: No SOI updates
3. SSR2-RT: selection of replacement from Emily Taylor
-- candidates: Rao Naveed Bin Rais (NCUC), Scott McCormick (BC), and Norm Ritchie (Independent)
- RySG is represented by Eric Oosterweil, who was selected by RSSAC. BC, and NCUC are represented already. See https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/display/SSR/Composition+of+Review+Team.[community.icann.org]
-- Emily Taylor is RrSG. There is not another candidate from RrSG on the remaining list of candidates.
-- The document deadline for the upcoming GNSO Council meeting is today, but we can submit a placeholder motion today and fill in the name as an amendment to the motion.
-- Group agrees to do a survey in which each member will individually rank the candidates --48 hours to respond, make sure to have clear reminder, aim to resolve differences and reach consensus by email. Staff will send out the poll results and ask whether there are any objections to the results of the poll within 24 hours.
-- Suggested edit on motion: in whereas 5, add "3 out of 4" candidates expressed interest . . . (attached motion reflects this edit)
-- Staff will circulate survey and motion
4. ATRT-3 - Aim to reach consenus in time for the September GNSO Council Meeting
- Overview of the key questions the ATRT will answer, focus of the ATRT, general & specific knowledge and expertise needed
- The GNSO has 3 guaranteed seats and may select 4 possible additional candidates (which is up to the SO/AC Chairs to select)
- Affiliation of candidates has been confirmed and will be added to the wiki shortly
- SG/C affiliation is not a requirement for being nominated
- Next step: members review materials, prepare to respond to poll
- Staff will set up the poll in a similar way as the RDS-RT, make available for members to review and comment before the poll opens
6. GAC Liaison selection timeline -- members will review and provide feedback by email