Uniform Domain-Name Dispute-Resolution Policy (UDRP) Administrative Proceedings
Uniform Domain-Name Dispute-Resolution Policy (UDRP) Administrative Proceedings
Note: This document provides a summary of the required actions for an ICANN-accredited registrar to take in response to an UDRP proceeding related to a sponsored domain. The summary does not override or replace the requirements set forth in the UDRP, Rules for UDRP, Registrar Accreditation Agreement, Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data or other ICANN specifications or policies. Please refer to the text of the relevant agreements, specifications and policies to review and understand the terms used in this summary and the full contractual requirements for registrars.
Registrar Lock
- Means a set of measures that a registrar applies to a domain, which prevents any modification to the registrant and registrar information by the registrant, but does not affect the resolution of the domain or the renewal of the domain. In general, this includes implementing the following three (3) registrar EPP statuses to the domain(s) subject to the UDRP proceeding:
- clientTransferProhibited
- clientUpdateProhibited
- clientDeleteProhibited
- Note: Please do not interrupt the normal resolution of the domain during the UDRP proceeding. In the event that the domain name expires during the proceeding, please refer to the ERRP and the “Domain Expiry During UDRP Proceeding” section of this document.
Lock and Verification Requirement
- Within two (2) business days of receiving a request for verification from UDRP Provider:
- Registrar must lock domain(s) at issue, confirm lock was applied, and provide information requested in verification request to UDRP Provider;
- Registrar must provide UDRP Provider with full registration data for each of the domains at issue;
- Lock must remain until the UDRP Decision has been implemented or complaint terminated.
- The Lock must be removed within one (1) business day of Registrar being notified that the UDRP proceeding has been withdrawn or dismissed.
- For cases settled between parties outside the UDRP proceeding:
- UDRP Provider to inform Registrar of suspension of the UDRP proceeding and outcome of the settlement.
- Registrar shall remove the lock within two (2) business days of being notified by UDRP Provider.
Domain Expiry During UDRP Proceeding
- Registrars must give UDRP Complainant a right to renew or restore the domain(s) under same commercial terms as the registrant.
- If UDRP Complainant does renew/restore the domain(s), Registrar must:
- Lock the registration and place it on hold at the registry. The lock prevents the domain from being deleted, updated or transferred, and the hold will additionally prevent the domain from resolving.
- Stop providing the registrant’s information through Registrar’s RDDS services.
- Ensure that the RDDS data for the domain indicates that the domain is subject to dispute.
Communicating the Decision Implementation Date
- Within three (3) business days of receiving UDRP Provider’s Decision, Registrar must communicate its planned implementation date to registrant, UDRP Complainant, UDRP Provider and ICANN org. ICANN org should be notified by emailing udrp@icann.org.
Implementing the Decision
- When Registrar receives the UDRP Decision from UDRP Provider, it shall wait ten (10) business days (defined in the location of Registrar’s principal office), before implementing the decision.
- Registrar must implement the UDRP Decision unless Registrar receives official documentation (such as a copy of a complaint, file-stamped by the clerk of the court) from the registrant during that ten (10) business day period, showing the registrant has commenced a lawsuit against UDRP Complainant in a jurisdiction to which UDRP Complainant has submitted.
- In general, the jurisdiction to which UDRP Complainant has submitted is either the location of Registrar’s principal office or of the registrant’s address as shown in Registrar’s RDDS.
- During a lawsuit, Registrar shall not take any further action until it receives:
- evidence satisfactory to Registrar of a resolution between the parties;
- evidence satisfactory to Registrar that the registrant’s lawsuit has been dismissed or withdrawn; or
- a copy of an order from the court dismissing the registrant’s lawsuit or ordering that the registrant does not have the right to continue to use the domain.