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“Thought of the day” is a selection of daily reflections from APIGA participants.
APIGA 2018
Day 1 - 23/07/18.png?version=1&modificationDate=1532412553000&cacheVersion=1&api=v2&width=533&height=400)
| Highlights:"Hearing stories and examples of internet challenges from participants from different countries around the Asia-Pacific region. Our countries face many similar challenges due to the global nature of the internet, but also unique challenges for specific countries, communities and stakeholder groups."
"The game on "How Internet Works" really stand out the most to me. It's something new and help myself as a non-technical person to understand it better. The group work on IG issues was also great because we can learn from each other the issues we encountered from our countries." -Mary Rose, The Philippines
"The interactive way of teaching how packets travel across the internet was very enlightening. I've taken a networks course in university earlier, but this method of teaching the concepts was extremely effective!" -Samridh Kudesia, India
Day 2 - 24/07/18
| Highlights: - "Finding a balance between governance and privacy is tricky, and different economies draw the line differently. How should countries work together when everyone has different ideas of IG?"
- "The three things I learned/found the most interesting, unique, and exciting about internet governance today: (1) no one individual, group, or organization has all the power in the context of the policy-making process, (2) almost all of the ideas we discussed are multidisciplinary, involving multiple disciplines such as social science, engineering, economics, and communications, and (3) it is more important to think about the issues/questions than to have an answer sometimes" -Korry Luke, USA
- "Digital inclusion is a value that we should protect by the multistakeholder approach in society"
Day 3 - 25/07/18
| Highlights: - "Apart from other informative sessions, today I got chance to learn about practical aspect on how gTLD is proposed and how it has to go through different possible objections and finally how it has to go through evaluation committee and all these information were really cool. Later I did some research and found that even those who filed objection has to pay certain registration fees for their objection application to be registered. Hence, I would say it was the highlight of day 3 program." -Ajaya Budhathoki, Nepal
- "Enjoyed the detailed discussion on internet governance and management of TLDs in the Asia Pacific region. Great speakers and insights. Also appreciated the practical workshop on planning your own IGF initiative, which equipped us with knowledge and a vision for youth IGF in our home countries."
- "The amount of effort, engineering, policymaking, and compromise necessary to deploy new gTLDs and support IDNs is truly amazing and baffling, and I have a newfound respect for the people that are able to make this process work." -Korry Luke, USA
Day 4 - 26/07/18
| Highlights: - "It was really neat seeing all the preparation and discussion leading up to the mock ICANN meeting where all the stakeholders exchanged ideas and attempted to reach consensus. It was also very cool to see the evolution of ideas over the course of the meetings as we all exchanged views from our perspective roles and positions." -Korry Luke, USA
- "In every case, there are arguments on both sides. I felt it was important to go to each other's consensus rather than to consider which one was right. And I was glad to express my opinion and share valuable experiences with others."
- "Mock ICANN conference was awesome. Great to debate internet policy issues in a friendly and engaging environment. Learned a lot about gTLDs and multistakeholder policy-making processes."
Day 5 - 27/07/18
| Highlights: - "I love that using the multistakeholder model of Internet governance, there is potential for anyone to contribute to the governance of the internet and have their perspective heard. By working together and sharing our perspectives, we can shape Internet policy which makes the Internet an inclusive space, representative of the rich diversity of the world around us."
- "It Is a difficult process that encompasses many different parties with different stakes and interests, but people are generally open to listening to each other and trying to achieve consensus, respecting the whole idea of multistakeholderism."
- "A multistakeholder approach to solving transboundary problems is possible."