2016-10-18 GNSO Review Working Group
The next meeting of the GNSO Review Working Group is scheduled for Tuesday, 18 October 2016 at 13:00 UTC for 60 minutes.
06:00 PDT, 09:00 EDT, 14:00 London, 15:00 CEST, 00:00 Sydney (Wednesday)
For other places: http://tinyurl.com/hw4c7a9
Draft Agenda: GNSO Review WG Meeting 18 October 2016
- Roll Call/Statements of Interest
- Review Agenda
- Vice Chair volunteers
- Review of Strawman Draft of GNSO Review Recommendations Implementation Plan
- Overview of the document
- Begin discussion of the Sections, particularly Section 3 -- categorization, prioritization, and dependencies for the recommendations
- Next Steps
- Next Meeting
Documents: GNSO Review Implementation Plan DRAFT 17 October 2016.pdf
Attendance: Heath Dixon, Sara Bockey, Jennifer Wolfe, Donna Austin, Advocate Mahendra Limaye,Pascal Bekono, Lawrence Olawale-Roberts
Staff: Marika Konings, Julie Hedlund, Larisa Gurnick, Charla Shambley, Lars Hoffman, Glen de Saint Gery, Terri Agnew
Apologies: Wolf-Ulrich Knoben, Rafik Dammak, Avri Doria
On audio only: none
Action Items:
- WG members will consider volunteering for the Vice-Chair role (see attached criteria) with a decision to be made at the next meeting.
- WG members will review the attached Strawman Draft GNSO Review Recommendation Implementation and provide comments for further discussion at the next meeting.
1. Vice Chair volunteers:
Still seeking volunteers. Staff will recirculate document outlining skills and requirements of Chair(s) document (see attached).
2. Review of Strawman Draft of GNSO Review Recommendations Implementation Plan
Staff walked through the overview of the document and then focused on Section 3. Prioritization and Dependencies. Staff noted that the strawman draft plan is just a suggested approach based on the outline discussion on the last call. The suggestions in the strawman are to assist the WG in its discussions. The prioritization is taken from that provided by the GNSO Review Working Party. The categories are suggested based on the content of the recommendations, but WG members can suggested other approaches. Once the prioritization and categories are agreed to by the WG staff can assist in suggesting the order of the work, such as perhaps proceeding first or maybe simultaneously with work already underway. Also, staff can assist with suggestions of how to group recommendations in projects by category and priority for the recommendation charters (see Annex I).
WG responses:
- I think the groups appear to make sense. It is a balance between what are the priorities -- how to prioritize the work. We have some that are high priority. How do we work through them? Do some have absolute timelines that have to be agreed to?
- I think I am also in support of the way it has been broken into categories. Is it possible to look at the ones everyone agreed to? So we know where the action is supposed to sit?
3. Next Steps
WG members should review the document and provide comments for further discussion at the next meeting.
4. Next meetings/Deadlines:
Tuesday, 25 October at 1300 UTC for 60 minutes
Monday, 07 November at 1730 UTC/1100 IST for 75 minutes. For remote access see: https://icann572016.sched.org/event/8cw4/gnso-review-working-group and Adobe Connect at: https://participate.icann.org/hyd57-MR104.
Tuesday, 15 November at 1300 UTC (note time change in US to 1 hour earlier) for 60 minutes
Implementation Plan is due to the GNSO Council for consideration in December:
- Document and motion deadline for 01 December GNSO Council meeting is 21 November
- Document and motion deadline for 15 December GNSO Council meeting is 05 December
The GNSO Council must send the Implementation Plan to the ICANN Board of Directors by 31 December 2016.