2023-11-06 Applicant Support GGP - Meeting #24

2023-11-06 Applicant Support GGP - Meeting #24

The call for the Applicant Support GGP team will take place on Monday, 06 November 2023 at 20:00 UTC for 90 minutes.

For other places see:  https://tinyurl.com/2dhy6jtm


  1. Welcome and SOIs
  2. Public comment review for Guidance Recommendations 6-9: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ODG6uTTbaWlANMnA-uDrF9WSMBgnPJ5Io4RtQC0N32o/edit#gid=1846629737 [docs.google.com]
  3. AOB




Apologies:  Satish Babu 


Audio Recording

Zoom Recording (including audio, visual, rough transcript and chat)

GNSO transcripts are located on the GNSO Calendar

Notes/Action Items

Action Items:

Action Item 1: For Recommendation 6, capture nuance that countdown for 3 three years starts from delegation, which can be further refined during implementation.

Action Item 2: For Recommendation 6, replace with “future” rounds or “subsequent procedures”

Action Item 3: For Recommendation 6, add “periodic” and “comparative review” elements.

Action Item 4: For Recommendation 7 rationale, note that the team has made a deliberate decision to not prioritize.

Action Item 5: For Recommendation 5, suggest new language that indicates the desire for a stretch goal without necessarily putting in a specific number.


Welcome and SOIs

  • None

Public comment review for Guidance Recommendations 6-9

Recommendation 6

  • All comments are grouped in the green section. 1-7 support as written.
  • NCSG comment seems to suggest parsing out the data, but this may be covered in the implementation guidance.
  • ICANN org suggests making the recommendation forward looking, so using “next round” or “subsequent procedures”
  • Suggestion that more specificity is needed to determine when the 3 year countdown begins. For .kids, the TLD was only just delegated. Registry operator implies that the contract has been signed, so at a minimum, this must be the case. There are requirements for timeline to delegate a gTLD.
  • Suggestion that the nuance can be captured in the rationale.

Action Item: For Recommendation 6, capture nuance that countdown for 3 three years starts from delegation, which can be further refined during implementation.

Action Item: For Recommendation 6, replace with “future” rounds or “subsequent procedures”

  • Suggestion for minor textual changes per Maureen’s email.
  • Suggestion that it might be helpful to look at the timeframe beyond just 3 years. Perhaps helpful to add periodic checks thereafter. Can add after three years “…and periodically thereafter.” It might also be helpful to add in possibility to compare rates against non-supported applicants.
  • IRT was looking at issues that blur policy versus implementation. Therefore, the IRT might welcome additional guidance from the GGP.
  • We are currently in the first pass of reviewing all recommendations, which leaves the opportunity to revisit recommendations as needed.

Action Item: For Recommendation 6, add “periodic” and “comparative review” elements.

Recommendation 7

  • Support from 7 respondents for recommendation as written
  • ICANN org notes concerns inconsistencies between recommendations 7-9, unless considered to be interdependent. Also worried about potential inconsistency with IDNs EPDP recommendation.
  • NCSG wonders if prioritization is worthwhile, even if it is a difficult task. Concerns that this prioritization might be out of scope.
  • Prioritization has been discussed before, but to do so now will challenge timelines. Agreement that prioritization in this context is not warranted and it’s better to focus on ensuring additional funds are available if this circumstance arises. In addition, the team has made a deliberate decision to not prioritize.

Action Item: For Recommendation 7 rationale, note that the team has made a deliberate decision to not prioritize.

  • It may be helpful to note that recommendations 7, 8, and 9 should be considered interdependent.
  • Curiosity about who/what determines funding for ASP. The question is out of scope for this group. There is a recommendation already adopted by the Board that a funding plan must be developed during implementation.
  • Reminder that recommendation 3 asks that adequate resources be allocated to ensure the goals of the program are achieved.

Recommendation 5

  • It may sound like going from 1 to 10 ASP applicants is success, but this does not seem like it goes far enough. There is a perception that the GGP is validating that even only 10 successful applicants means the program has succeeded.
  • There were several successful applicants from the Global South who ended up operating their gTLDs. Running a registry is running a business and it needs registrants in order to be successful. It may also be helpful to look at domains under management in ccTLDs where in some instances, there are few DUMs.
  • Applicants from the previous round may not have known they might qualify for ASP. They would therefore be able to invest more in the registry’s operations.
  • The purpose of having a number and a percentage is to help account for a very large number of applications.
  • Potential pro bono service provider capacity can accommodate more than the goal of this program.
  • The GAC wants the program to be ambitious. Maybe helpful to identify a stretch target which helps address the GAC’s concern without unduly setting the program for success (e.g., receiving 19/20 successful applications). Setting too ambitious of a goal can create an avenue for the program to be attacked as a failure.
  • Need to be careful to not make recommendations too prescriptive as can be seen from the SubPro recommendations, the Board may push back against something overly prescriptive.
  • Suggested text from Roz: Indicators of Success: No fewer than 10, or 0.5 percent (.005), of all successfully delegated gTLD applications were from supported applicants and a stretch target of 175-315 successfully delegated gTLD applications, based on the target range identified in the results of the Expression of Interest Survey - Applicant Support Pro Bono Service Providers.
  • Continued concern with the overly ambitious number of a number in the range of 175+. Identify a stretch target as 50, and reference this as a GAC a position. This is already 5 times the agreed upon target of the GGP. Suggestion to include goals of the program (e.g., fostering diversity and choice).
  • The numbers in the survey are in relation to the number of providers not applicants that have indicated their intention to apply.

Action Item: For Recommendation 5, suggest new language that indicates the desire for a stretch goal without necessarily putting in a specific number.

  • Another suggestion for text revision: Indicators of Success: No fewer than 10, or 0.5 percent (.005), of all successfully delegated gTLD applications were from supported applicants. This should not prevent a stretch target, to achieve the aim of achieving greater global diversification of the new gTLD application program.

Recommendation 8:

  • All respondents support the recommendation, with the NCSG and GAC providing some input.
  • ICANN org has some concerns about exceeding minimum level of support. What to do in this scenario?
  • It is important to ensure that successful applicants have a sense of how much support they will receive. That is the goal, at least partially, for recommendation 8.
  • Will pick back up with this recommendation at the next meeting.

Recommendation 9:

  • N/A



  • N/A