2019-11-20 Standing Committee on ICANNs Budget & Operations Planning
2019-11-20 Standing Committee on ICANNs Budget & Operations Planning
Please find below the details for the Joint ccNSO and Standing Committee on ICANNs Budget & Operations Planning call on Wednesday, 20 November 2019 at 21:00 UTC for 1 hour.
For other time: https://tinyurl.com/uxtxmjz
- Confirm SCBO roster for 2019-2020 cycle
- Review draft of comments on FY21 draft IANA/PTI Budget + next steps (comments due 27 Nov. 2019)
- Any other business
- Release of FY21 ICANN Draft Budget and Ops Plan + 5YSP documents (13 Dec)
- Future schedule of calls & time
i. Week of Dec 16th?
ii. Early Jan 2020 at least two
iii. Joint call with CCNSO’s SOPC
Notes/ Action Items