2017-12-04 Standing Committee on ICANNs Budget & Operations Planning
The next call on the Standing Committee on ICANNs Budget & Operations Planning will take place on Monday, 04 December 2017 at 14:00 UTC for 60 minutes.
06:00 PST, 09:00 EST, 14:00 London, 15:00 Paris CET
For other times: http://tinyurl.com/y9hr5ulq
1) Discuss experiences of last two comment submissions
2) Discuss next steps for SC Budget and the GNSO Council
3) Review draft charter (attached)
Attendees: Erika Mann, Philippe Fouquart, Ayden Ferdeline, Michele Neylon, Martin Silva
Apologies: none
Staff: Berry Cobb, Marika Konings, Steve Chan, Nathalie Peregrine
Notes/ Action Items
- Discuss experiences of last two comment submissions
— Ad hoc process so far, but good test bed, especially because one was rather simple and was rather easy to coalesce around a single response (i.e., PTI) versus one where there was divergence (i.e., reserve fund).
— Even if the reserve fund comment was significantly altered from the initial draft, still a very worthwhile exercise and made an important point - exercise fiscal prudence
— Initial rationale for this standing committee was in regards to ICANN’s Budget & Operations review, with GNSO as a Decisional Participant
— The two public comment response exercises will help establish a path to follow in the event the GNSO were to invoke its powers as a Decisional Participant (e.g., reject the budget)
- Discuss next steps for SC Budget and the GNSO Council
— Intention was to have Council consider and adopt charter on 21 Dec meeting, but Council leadership has proposed that topic may be a good one for Council Strategic Planning meeting
— Timeline may be challenging to respond to ICANN’s FY19 Budget
— Steps involved: Review and get agreement on draft charter amongst committee members. Prepare draft motion. Consider on December of January meeting.
— Committee could continue to meet provisionally, without charter, in order to meet timelines (e.g., consider ICANN FY19 Budget when released, even in absence of charter adoption).
— Public comment closes on 04 Mar 2018
- Review draft charter
— Currently on v.5. Draft inspired from ccNSO’s Strategic and Operational Planning (SOP) Standing Committee.
— The charter, even after adoption by Council, is envisioned to be a living document that can be refined. At a minimum, to be reviewed at AGM.
— Action Item - Staff to put draft charter into GNSO’s charter template [COMPLETE]
— Decisions aspect: should consider whether quorum is a necessary element of this standing panel.
— Call for volunteers would go out after presumably after charter adoption. Expectation is that expertise can be sought beyond Council for discussions (e.g., as observers), but decision-making would remain with members of standing panel.
— May want to consider what membership looks like - e.g., should every SG/C have a representative, similar to GNSO Review, even if they do not participate during every call? Does not necessarily need to mirror membership structure of Council.
— Thought needed around the Decisions aspect, in light of more extensive FY18 Budget to be reviewed. Should substitute the word “consensus” for “agreement.”
— Action Item - Staff to circulate past public comments submitted by GNSO Council [COMPLETE]
— Next steps for charter: members to provide comments through EoD Wednesday.
— Action Item - Staff to prepare draft motion, to possibly utilize for December Council meeting [COMPLETE]
— Action Item - Staff to consider options for decision-making for panel to consider [COMPLETE]
— Is an obligations section needed? Action Item: Erika to consider suggesting language to captures her concerns.
— Action Item: Staff to share Council leadership thinking on timing of charter adoption. [COMPLETE]
— Action Item: Staff to tentatively schedule mid-January meeting, around time when FY18 Budget public comment opens. [MODIFIED - COMPLETE]