06-04-2017 GNSO Bylaws Implementation Drafting Team
06-04-2017 GNSO Bylaws Implementation Drafting Team
The GNSO Bylaws Drafting Team meeting will take place on Thursday, 6 April 2017 at 14:00 UTC for 60 minutes.
07:00 PDT, 10:00 EDT, 15:00 London, 16:00 CET
For other times: https://tinyurl.com/kfx4rmn
Proposed Agenda:
- Roll Call / Welcome
- Continue deliberations on:
- 37 (Petition Process)
- 44 (Nominating Director Committee Removal Process)
- 45 (SO/AC Director Removal Process)
- 46 (Board Recall Process)
- Confirm next steps / next meeting (if needed)
Apologies: Erika Mann, Julf Helsingius, Matthew Shears, Stefania Milan
ICANN staff:
Background documents:
Bylaws DT - Input and draft responses - 30 March 2017.pdf
Staff Report - Bylaws & GNSO OP Revisions & Legal Review - 30Mar2017.pdf