VPN Authentication
This procedure will help you with the multiple scenarios when connecting to the ICANN VPN, this guide will only cover the interactions with the Software/Physical token.
Glossary :
Software token :
Physical token :
TOKENcode :
This is the code displayed on the RSA token. For software tokens it's a series of 8 digits, for the phyiscal tokens it's 6 digits. This number changes every 120 seconds. In the screenshot above, the Software token TOKENcode is 96042186, whereas the Physical token TOKENcode is 159759. This code is meant for a one time use only.
PINcode :
This is your Private code that you will set up on your first authentication. It must be between 6 & 8 characters, contain 1 upper case, 1 lower case & 1 digit, do not use any special characters. ( example : P1nC0d3 )
PASScode :
This is the combo of the PINcode & the TOKENcode ( example : P1nC0d396042186 would be the passcode created by the combo of the example PINcode & TOKENcode)
Step-by-step guide for your first authentication (or after a PINcode reset by EUS team)
- Browse to : https://access.icann.org, input your username and TOKENcode :
- As you have no PINcode configured, the following screen will show up and ask you to select a PIN code (a PINcode must contain between 6 & 8 characters with at least 1 letter & 1 digit but NO special characters)
- If the PINcode is accepted it will show the following screen, please wait for the TOKENcode to change once and connect using the Pulse Secure Application :
- If the PINcode is not accepted, the following screen will appear and you will have to start over again :
Problems that you might encounter :
- This might either mean that your PINcode was not accepted or that you have tried with the same TOKENcode twice. Wait for the TOKENcode to display new numbers and try again.
- After a few failed attempts, if you provide the right PASScode, you might see this screen. It will simply need to be provided with the next displayed TOKENcode.
- If you have a software token, it is advised to check that your Computer Clock as this might influence the TOKENcode provided.
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