Establishment of Standing Panel for Independent Review Process Home

The Independent Review Process (IRP) is an accountability mechanism provided by Article 4, Section 4.3 of the ICANN Bylaws for third-party review of ICANN Board or Staff actions (or inactions) alleged by a claimant to be inconsistent with ICANN's Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws.  The Bylaws provide that an omnibus Standing Panel shall be established from which a three-member IRP panel shall be selected to preside over specific IRP disputes. This page will direct you to the most updated information on the IRP omnibus Standing Panel selection process.

IRP Community Representatives Group Members:

NameSO/AC AffiliationSOI
Kavouss ArastehGovernmental Advisory CommitteeSOI
Edowaye MakanjuolaGovernmental Advisory CommitteeSOI
David McAuleyCountry Codes Names Supporting OrganizationSOI
Cheryl Langdon-OrrAt-Large Advisory CommitteeSOI
Greg ShatanAt-Large Advisory CommitteeSOI
Donna AustinGeneric Names Supporting OrganizationSOI
Heather ForrestGeneric Names Supporting OrganizationSOI

ICANN Organization Support: Samantha Eisner, Liz Le, Lauren Hejazi, Sarah Zagha, Mary Wong, Kathy Schnitt, Julie Bisland