2022-05-10 CSC Effectiveness Review Team Meeting

2022-05-10 CSC Effectiveness Review Team Meeting

CSC Effectiveness Review Team Meeting 

10 May 2022 @ 19:00 – 20:00 UTC



  1. Final confirmation outcome review
  2. Discussion area’s for recommendations re metrics (page 10  - 16
    1. Item 7, page 11-12, tracking complaints in event meeting frequency is reduced
    2. Item 8, page 12, not achieved due to pandemic. Reason for recommendation?
    3. Item 13 and 14, page 13 and 14, attendance members and liaisons: Recommendation
    4. Item 15 , recommendation 2
  3. Recommendations re additional items (table 2, page 16- 21)
    1. Need to change requirement chair/vice-chairs
    2. Frequency of meetings
    3. Attracting adequate volunteers, need for alternates
    4. Scope of CSC activities/review of SLAs
  4. AOB
  5. Next meetings
  6. Closure

Zoom Recording