2014-11-26 CWG UCTN
Wednesday, 26 November 2014 at 09:00 UTC for 1 hour.
01:00 PST, 04:00 EST, 09:00 London, 10:00 CET, Wednesday 17 :00 Beijing, Wednesday 20:00 Sydney, for other places see: http://tinyurl.com/koao3sd
Proposed Agenda:
Welcome and roll-call
Actions f-2-f meeting
- Input into GAC sub-group proposals Geographic Names & continued interaction with group.
Confirmation of Workplan up and until Singapore
Substantive discussion of first set of issues identified by Study Group
Some questions to structure the discussion to solicit the views of the members and start compiling a list of issues that need to be addressed
What are implications from issues from your perspective?
The issues identified in the Study Group report focus on non-predicatable treatment of country and territory names, at least from a Internet end-user, country or territory, and requester/applicant perspective.
Is this a shared concern?
Do you have other concerns?
What is / are concerns with non- predictability, and other concerns ( why is it a concern)?
Do concerns vary across and are dependent on SO/AC?
Which issues needs to be resolved?
Next meeting and closure
Adobe Connect: https://icann.adobeconnect.com/cwg-country/