CCWG on IG Public Meeting in Montréal

CCWG on IG Public Meeting in Montréal

Date: Monday 4 November 2019                            

Time:  20:15-21:45 UTC (15:15-16:45 local time) | See here for your local date and time

Virtual Meeting Room (zoom):  https://icann.zoom.us/recording/share/aCSDs0dZ0m5cGruDtk0ATYDnexyWOTc11h8FlcqfYguwIumekTziMw

Adigo Participant #: none available
For Adigo numbers: none available

Interpretation Available: No




Call management:  

Action Items: 


Adobe Connect: https://icann.zoom.us/recording/share/aCSDs0dZ0m5cGruDtk0ATYDnexyWOTc11h8FlcqfYguwIumekTziMw

English Audio: http://audio.icann.org/meetings/yul66/yul66-OPEN-2019-11-04-T1937-517c-en-IG-Public-Session–Cross-Communi_.m3u
Download .ZIP of All Audio: http://audio.icann.org/meetings/yul66/yul66-OPEN-2019-11-04-T1937-517c-IG-Public-Session–Cross-Communi_.zip





Adobe Chat: 

Session Details: https://66.schedule.icann.org/meetings/1116852

A G E N D A 

1. Welcome, Introduction

Oliver Crépin-Leblond (Chair)

2. UN High-level Panel on Digital Cooperation – Continuing the evolution of the IGF

Presentation and discussion of the proposal

Livia Walpen (Advisor International Relations at Swiss Federal Office of Communications (OFCOM))
Marilyn Cade (President of ICT Strategies, mCADE LLC)
Sam Lanfranco (Professor Emeritus of Economics at York University in Toronto, Canada)

3. Update on the CCWG-IG becoming an Internet Governance Engagement Group (IGEG)

Input on Legislative Tracking

Olivier Crépin-Leblond (Chair)
Mandy Carver (ICANN Org.)

4. Internet Governance Updates

UN Cyber Security discussions, WTO Public Forum, IGF and ICANN, Worl Internet Conference Wuzhen summit

Veni Markovski (ICANN Org.)
Vera Major (ICANN Org.)
Nigel Hickson (ICANN Org.)
Leonid Todorov (General Manager APTLD)