IGF 2019 Workshop: Title TBD

IGF 2019 Workshop: Title TBD

This page has been created to build the topic and agenda of a Cross Community Working Group on Internet Governance workshop at the 2019 Internet Governance Forum.

Proposed Title: TBD

28 March 2019: creation of this page.

4 April 2019: deadline for choose Option 1 or 2

12 April 2019: deadline for submitting workshop

Click here for generic Workshop template

As consensus was not found in time to create a workshop that would be supported across the ICANN Community, no workshop proposal was presented this year.

Option 1

A workshop/roundtable focussed on EPDP topic - similar to the topic we have proposed for the WSIS Forum: a workshop that puts together stakeholders taking part in the EPDP phases 1 and 2.

By November 2019, implementation of phase 1 would have started and phase 2 would be in full swing. Some of the discussions taking place at IGF might benefit the work of the EPDP Team

Workshop based on phase 1 but concentrating on phase 2. Focus should be on Phase 2. The workshop could be useful in brainstorming standardised access.

Option 2

3 topical areas:

  • data governance
  • security
  • stability (needs community speakers) of the DNS. A growing concern for safety and security of individuals. How resilient is the Internet / Alternative Security in the Internet.

This topic has the advantage to be more predictable than a focus that is solely on EPDP Work Stream 2. We could work with SSAC and RSSAC but also all stakeholders at ICANN that work on stability and security, across all SOs and ACs to populate the workshop.

One could argue that the EPDP Phase 2 work, access, is part of security. Security and Stability workshop could include the sub-topic of Phase 2 EPDP - the need or use of gTLD registration data to preserve security and stability of the DNS.

If Option 2 is preferred instead of Option 1, one could have the topic of Option 1 proposed as a Flash session on WorkStream 2. A way to provide a briefing and an update on WorkStream 2.

On the call, our action item was that I should share Option 1 and 2 on the mailing list, with a deadline of 5 working days (4th April 2019), to give the Team enough time to build the Session Proposal. The deadline for submitting workshop proposals at the IGF is 12th April.


Full workshop details can be found on:


  1. Introduction of session (moderator)
  2. TBD
  3. TBD
  4. TBD
  5. TBD
  6. Conclusion