CCWG on IG Teleconference - 2018.11.29 - Adobe Chat
-------------------- (11/29/2018 07:30) --------------------
Erich Schweighofer: Good afternoon.
-------------------- (11/29/2018 07:32) --------------------
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: Agenda for today's call:
-------------------- (11/29/2018 07:36) --------------------
Leon Sanchez: Hello everyone
judith hellerstein: Hi Leon, good to hear you. please mute your phone as it is causing an echo
Leon Sanchez: I'm sorry about that. Hadn't realize it was open
Leon Sanchez: My apologies
judith hellerstein: thanks
Leon Sanchez: :-)
-------------------- (11/29/2018 07:39) --------------------
judith hellerstein: Yrjo, can you please mute your line
judith hellerstein: thanks
Alan Greenberg: Sorry to be late.
-------------------- (11/29/2018 07:48) --------------------
Leon Sanchez: Thanks Olivier
-------------------- (11/29/2018 08:00) --------------------
judith hellerstein: hand up
-------------------- (11/29/2018 08:04) --------------------
Jim Prendergast: sorry for joining late. conflicting Sub Pro call
-------------------- (11/29/2018 08:11) --------------------
judith hellerstein: I do not recall African countries supporting china, but they were definitely supporting the Arab countries lef by UAE
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: thanks @Judith - indeed - support of the Arab proposals by several African countries
-------------------- (11/29/2018 08:13) --------------------
judith hellerstein: Yes and also refusal to admit issues and examples as fact
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: Thanks @Judith - this politicisation of positions is a real concern
judith hellerstein: Ghana separated itself from Africa in connection to community networks
judith hellerstein: Yes @olivier, it is a very real concern
judith hellerstein: Veni came in as Bulgaria. Or APNIC, RIPE or other RIRs
judith hellerstein: No, sector members did not speak
-------------------- (11/29/2018 08:16) --------------------
judith hellerstein: Sector members are not allowed to speak unless they are specifically called on by the Chair or others. This was true even in the smaller Adhocs
-------------------- (11/29/2018 08:19) --------------------
judith hellerstein: @alan please mute your mike
Alan Greenberg: My line was muted.
judith hellerstein: it came up as an active speaker so somehow it got off mute, but now it is muted again
-------------------- (11/29/2018 08:21) --------------------
Jim Prendergast: To get a sense of how the 2019 IGF might look, suggest you read through the transcript of OF10 Strengthening the IGF - the German Community Invites to a Discussion -
Alan Greenberg: I was muted locally which is how I always do it. Must be some noise on the line.
-------------------- (11/29/2018 08:24) --------------------
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: sometimes lines have an echo by themselves, yes
-------------------- (11/29/2018 08:28) --------------------
Leon Sanchez: Agree Siva. I didn't mean to say they were mutually exclusive. On the contrary, I think we should be sat at the table to foster the MSHM principles
-------------------- (11/29/2018 08:29) --------------------
Jim Prendergast: Personal Opinion - at the end of the day its a speech by the president of one country. Im not so sure we need to keep bringing it up unless others do. Heads o f state say controversial things all the time.
Jim Prendergast: agree with Veni
-------------------- (11/29/2018 08:31) --------------------
Leon Sanchez: Yes, Jim. We shouldn't be fueling the fire but we should keep an eye on the fire so it doesn't go crazy :P
-------------------- (11/29/2018 08:32) --------------------
Jim Prendergast: one item not mentioned and worht noting - the naming of the new MAG earlier than ever. A positive development for sure. More of a runway for their work.
Laurent Ferrali: I met the new French Ambassador for Digital Affairs durin the IGF
Jim Prendergast: I believe thats because they are meetign in January as a group
Laurent Ferrali: I will see him again in Paris before the end of the year
-------------------- (11/29/2018 08:36) --------------------
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: UN Draft Resolution: (9) All States must play the same role in, and carry equal responsibility for, international governance of the Internet, its security, continuity and stability of operation, and its development in a way which promotes the establishment of multilateral, transparent and democratic international Internet governance mechanisms which ensure an equitable distribution of resources, facilitate access for all and ensure the stable and secure functioning of the Internet;
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: Draft Resolutionof the General Assembly of the United Nations Organization«Developments in the field of information and telecommunications in the context of international security»
-------------------- (11/29/2018 08:41) --------------------
Leon Sanchez: Thanks everyone
Hisham Aboulyazed: Thanks Olivier and everyone
Vera Major: thanks everyone
Sivasubramanian M: Thanks Olivier And all