CCWG on IG Teleconference - 2017.04.28 - Adobe Chat

CCWG on IG Teleconference - 2017.04.28 - Adobe Chat

Desiree Cabrera: Today's agenda is also available at https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CPMMB/pages/110789931/CCWG+on+IG+Teleconference+-+2017.04.28

Nigel Hickson: Good afternoon

Tatiana Tropina: Hi all

Tatiana Tropina: cheering crowds ....

Erich Schweighofer: Hi, still in exams, I can only follow the chat.

AW: Hello, this is Angela from Singapore

AW: Angela Wibawa :)

Desiree Cabrera: Thank you!

Tatiana Tropina: someone was editing and I saw the few pages disappeared

Tatiana Tropina: saw it in real time :(

Tatiana Tropina: It was me who deleted the spaces because it was impossible to look at the doc.

Tatiana Tropina: now it looks like a *normal* document.

Tatiana Tropina: you have no one from Eastern Europe ;)

Israel Rosas (MX): Just a clarification: I'm currently a MAG member, so I can't participate in the IGF proposal; but I'm interested in the following agenda items :)

Tatiana Tropina: HAHAHA

Tatiana Tropina: (no I was just joking but I can confirm to make it a crowd and then bail if there are too many from CS).

Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: @Israel -- but you can tell us if I have missed anything about the MAG process

Nigel Hickson: @Israel - Welcome

Israel Rosas (MX): You can also suggest your own "hashtags"

Tatiana Tropina: sorry am on mute

Tatiana Tropina: silence is gold :)

Alan Greenberg: I tend to agree.

Alan Greenberg: There are clear problems and pretending they aren't there decreases credibility.

Tatiana Tropina: oks.

Tatiana Tropina: I did.

Nigel Hickson: A critic of ICANN! Outrageous....):

Tatiana Tropina: please fine tune guys - am dull today.

Rafik: nothing to add really

Rafik: for speakers , it seems we need the full bio to fill the form. so please for those who propose names to point out to online bio if possible

Tatiana Tropina: WOT!

Tatiana Tropina: I have never been to WSIS except last year :) but I am glad am so visible #blush

Israel Rosas (MX): About WGEC:

Israel Rosas (MX): http://unctad.org/en/pages/MeetingDetails.aspx?meetingid=1351

Alan Greenberg: Participant code for the phone bridge.

Tatiana Tropina: All, I have to leave earlier - thanks for the call! Cheers.

Israel Rosas (MX): Thank you, all. Have a wonderful weekend :D

Rafik: bye all

Veni Markovski: bye

Veni Markovski: good weekend!

Nigel Hickson: goodbye