CCWG on IG Teleconference - 2017.03.07 - Adobe Chat
Desiree Cabrera: Today's agenda is also available at:
Rafik: Hi Desiree
Desiree Cabrera: Hi Rafik! How are you?
Tatiana Tropina: Hi all
Julf Helsingius: Good afternoon!
Tatiana Tropina: Good afternoon, Julf
Veni Markovski: hi
Rafik: hi all
Julf Helsingius: Sure!
Rafik: talking from the future :)
Nigel Hickson: Good adfternoon
Julf Helsingius: Someone has mic on
Tatiana Tropina: Nigel had his mic on :)
Veni Markovski: I have muted my phone, and have also used the mute button on my phone just as a backup :)
Rafik: the icann meeting effect
Tatiana Tropina: too many meetings, too little time :)
Julf Helsingius: too much time in meetings
Rafik: I will start meetings rehab center
Rafik: for volunteers to recover
Tatiana Tropina: Rafik this would be a very much needed facility
Matthew S: apologies for being late (again)
Tatiana Tropina: Hi Matt :)
Marilyn Cade: It is not too late to ask for a 20 minute update - 19 p articipants come from the 3 constituencies of the CSG.
Marilyn Cade: Eight come from the RYSG.
Marilyn Cade: :-)
Rafik: the CWG-IG update is in the agenda for gnso-ccnso joint meeting
Julf Helsingius: Marilyn: you cut out
Rafik: yes Marylin line seems cut
Marilyn Cade: happy to work with Nigel and Sam on some ideas on draft outcomes.
Marilyn Cade: simple changes don't need me. It is the outcomes of the work that I thin k is most impportant..
Marilyn Cade: I will commit to work on the outcomes section. and I ask that the consultant improve the timeline which is not very useful without some improvements.
Marilyn Cade: for instance, simple changes to make this more compelling and understandable.
Marilyn Cade: How often do the other CCWGs report?
Marilyn Cade: why not focus this around the ICANN meetings?
Marilyn Cade: but we need to report to the community, not only the chartering organizations.
Matthew S: every two monthsd might be reasonable
Rafik: 3 months would be at every icann meeting, and we keep regular update through, blog posts , etc
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: Resources is of significance. Reporting takes time. If volunteers are to focus on the work itself, we do indeed require adequate staff support. Other CCWGs have a lot more staff support than we do.
Greg Shatan: We have had a commitment to get us more staff support...
Rafik: @Greg hope we dont need a notary for that :)
Greg Shatan: I used to be a notary....
Greg Shatan: If we have non-participating members, we may want to see if their orgs want to put in new blood...
Rafik: we can make call for participants
Rafik: the whole exercise can be a good way to restart
Marilyn Cade: Frankly, if every one who says they are a CCWG-IG member was an advocate within their community, we would have more support from the Chartering Organizations.
Greg Shatan: China released a new ‘International Strategy of Cooperation on Cyberspace’. The document shows China’s:Commitment to build international consensus on international cyberspace order on the basis of state sovereignty and multilateralism;.Supports formulating universally accepted international rules and norms of state behavior in cyberspace within the framework of the United Nations;.Aspirations for joint management of critical information infrastructure such as root servers.
Greg Shatan:
Greg Shatan: H/T to ISOC Internet Policy list and Halefom Hailu, whose post I just pasted her in part.
Nigel Hickson: Just to be clear the "Charter" work is being taken forward by members of the CCWG; no consultants involved.
Marilyn Cade: China IGF member was very insistant to change IGF and ICANN oversight.
Marilyn Cade: Nigel: who is Samathatha , then who I was told was a retained consultant?
Marilyn Cade: use of consultants is good, but just asking who the consultant is.
Nigel Hickson: Samantha is working on the "Report" and not the "Charter"; best nigel
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: yes we are discussing the Charter now
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: but we appear to have drifted into reporting on current affairs....
Tatiana Tropina: I got a bit lost :-) although China strategy is very much in my field :)
Tatiana Tropina: of interest
Matthew S: it is a good topic for he session next week
Tatiana Tropina: Matt yes, for both F2F and public meeting, I think
Tatiana Tropina: (but for public meeting probably in more general sense, not naming China alone)
Veni Markovski: I need to go to another call - sorry!
Marilyn Cade: China not along, joined by Iran, S.Arabia, Russia, and their satellites counties are supporting this change to achive a UN oversight of ICANN coordination functions.
Mandy Carver: Need to move to next call - thank you
Tatiana Tropina: Marylin, yes
Marilyn Cade: sorry, China not alone... Belurus...
Veni Markovski: Maryiln, yes, that's correct - we've seen it at the ITU, and in the document (will post a link here).
Greg Shatan: Perhaps this should be viewed as being "Phases" of the CCWG IG's work.
Veni Markovski:
Greg Shatan: But I think giving shape and form to the lifecycle of the group helps to prevent drift.
Veni Markovski: bye.
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: bye @Veni. Thanks for contributing
Greg Shatan: (or the apperance of drift)
Matthew S: got to drop apologies
Marilyn Cade: As the focus is SDGs achievement, this session needs to focus on capacity building -- SDG 17, I think
Marilyn Cade: And this session would be a fantastic contribution to this workshop.
Tatiana Tropina: I think we actually all struggle with capacity building in our respective constituencies
Tatiana Tropina: so a lot to talk about
Marilyn Cade: Yes, indeed, Titiana. I have possibilty of recommending Jimson and Omar - Nigeria and Afghanista.
Marilyn Cade: but we need women speakers to this workshoip.
Tatiana Tropina: if there is any need for Russian women... :-)
Marilyn Cade: WSIS Forum has limited workshops but also has high level speakers.
Marilyn Cade: I will post the workshop timeline so that all are aware.
Marilyn Cade: GREAT, I will leave it to Nigel to do the update on tmelines.excellent.
Tatiana Tropina: bye all! Safe travels. See you in CPH!
Julf Helsingius: Thank you - and see you in Copenhagen!
Greg Shatan: Bye all and safe travels!
Nigel Hickson: Goodbye and thanks