CCWG on IG Teleconference - 2016.04.22 - Adobe Chat

CCWG on IG Teleconference - 2016.04.22 - Adobe Chat

Farzaneh Badii: leaving Geneva must be refreshing!

Farzaneh Badii: which pub? Geneva has no pub!

NIGEL HICKSON: Indeed; no pubs; lots of expensive restaurants...

Farzaneh Badii: it might be the agenda items :)

Farzaneh Badii: who is talking ?

Farzaneh Badii: yeah

Farzaneh Badii: NCUC

NIGEL HICKSON: http://unctad.org/en/pages/MeetingDetails.aspx?meetingid=1048

veni markovski: no additions.

Farzaneh Badii: I need to change my browser

Farzaneh Badii: will be back

Olivier Crepin-Leblond: WSIS Forum: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CPMMB/pages/110789614/WSIS+Forum+at+ITU+2016

Farzaneh Badii: is it ?

Farzaneh Badii: it must be int frag

Farzaneh Badii: oh I didn't know that!

Marilyn Cade: apologies to be late

Marilyn Cade: I also will just note that we always struggle to have participants from around the world who are attending WSIS Forum. I personally have spent a lot of time to try to get business from non WEOG to attend WSIS FOrum.

Marilyn Cade: WSIS Forum is indeed a different platform, and there was a lot of effort made to have gender and geo balance.  Remote participatation at the WSIS forum is limited. the only thing that seems to work is that they submit a statement that gets read, but then they can listen in. 

Marilyn Cade: I am familiar with the process of who and how to apply for WSIS Forum sessions, and might speak about that.

Farzaneh Badii: thank you

NIGEL HICKSON: Thanks indeed Marilyn.

Marilyn Cade: many +1s to Farzaneh's comments. I keep reinforcing that it is the community that is speaking, and  of coure, staff are supporitng...

Olivier Crepin-Leblond: Call for IGF Workshop Proposals: http://www.intgovforum.org/cms/igf16-workshops

Marilyn Cade: I wonder if I might ask a favor. IGFSA is hosting a session on the 6th, and of course, Tarek is on the ExeComm, might we encourage also awareness of this session to the CCWG-IG members?

veni markovski: I am at the airport, and soon to board, so if the connection drops, please, accept my regrets.

Olivier Crepin-Leblond: @Veni: thanks for the advance notice

NIGEL HICKSON: Re IGFSA - seems good idea; can track details with Tarek 

Farzaneh Badii: another acronym

Farzaneh Badii: :)

NIGEL HICKSON: @Ven- - safe travels

Marilyn Cade: Workshop proposals are welcomed from anyone. workshop proposals are subject to MAG approval. ICANN gets to have an OPen Forum. What wodl be the topic for an   Open Forum?

Marilyn Cade: but also workshops are limited in number and there is an ICANN Open forum, so as spaces are limited, it might be challenging to have multiple spaces. please also keep in mind that the SDGs are quit ea priority and think about whether CCWG-IG  wants to engage at IGF.

Marilyn Cade: Nigel, either you or I should post the call for workshops again.  As a MAG member, I will need to recuse myself from any discussion about a proposal, although, my role is to provide informatoin to others. :-) [MAG members cannot submit proposals, as we evaluate them].

Farzaneh Badii: oh no public session for ccwg IG in Helsinki ?

Marilyn Cade: Schedule is a little vague: Do we know what is happening? and could the CCWG-IG have our own meeting, while not a public event?

Farzaneh Badii: that's my question too Marilyn

Farzaneh Badii: we need to discuss this

Marilyn Cade: I am not sure how to contribute, but I am on the country public engagement consultation. It is a little weird, but has implications for ICANN as it is where the ITRs discussion will occur.

Olivier Crepin-Leblond: WTSA-16: http://www.itu.int/en/ITU-T/wtsa16/Pages/default.aspx

Marilyn Cade: In my personal view, it is important that the ICANN staff are following allthe regional sessions, and in fact, some of the national.

Farzaneh Badii: if they want

Marilyn Cade: Farzaneh is quite right, but some regions do consider them as the framework - Africa, and LATAM and Pacific Islands.

Marilyn Cade: I realize that the Arab States basically ignore them

Marilyn Cade: but other regions do not.

Farzaneh Badii: thanks Marilyn for that information. interesting to see which regions consider them more.

Marilyn Cade: We are struggling now with trying to avoid an effort to endorse the PP outcome on the ITRs, which was not fulsome, and the countries who oppose adopting the ITRs did so because they saw it as over arching into the Internet.

Marilyn Cade: ITU -T has a heavy participation of telcoms.

Marilyn Cade: Recently, other companies have joined: Google, Facebook, et. etc

NIGEL HICKSON: @Marilyn - no official announcement on membership of WG on EC as far as know

Farzaneh Badii: ok thank you :)

Marilyn Cade: I agree, and if we are having a face to face, I need to know options, as I have a few other commitments.

Farzaneh Badii: thanks all bye

Marilyn Cade: i have a topic.

Farzaneh Badii: ok

Farzaneh Badii: I like that idea

Farzaneh Badii: I agree . more visibility

Marilyn Cade: no, I mean to invite to Helsinki meeting as a meet and greet.

Farzaneh Badii: yes

Farzaneh Badii: thanks all.

Olivier Crepin-Leblond: @Marilyn: that's imho an excellent idea