CCWG on IG Teleconference - 2016.02.09 - Adobe Chat

CCWG on IG Teleconference - 2016.02.09 - Adobe Chat

Desiree Cabrera: Today's Agenda is also located at: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CPMMB/pages/110789540/CCWG+on+IG+Teleconference+-+2016.02.09

matthew shears: we seem way to eager

matthew shears: http://unctad.org/en/pages/newsdetails.aspx?OriginalVersionID=1193&Sitemap_x0020_Taxonomy=Commission%20on%20Science%20and%20Technology%20for%20Development

matthew shears: link to cstd announcement

Olivier Crepin-Leblond: Thanks @Matthew

mscade: I was aso at the Intercessional in Hungary in early Jan.

matthew shears: is it still possible to comment?

mscade: only to take questions/yes to Matthew's question but you need to do it quickly

mscade: Desiree, it appears that I can speak but you cannot hear me?

matthew shears: thanks

ni: Re EC WG can circulate a draft comment if helpful 

matthew shears: hi ni yes - thanks

mscade: Just to be clear that it is not a requirement that a comment come from the CCWG-IG, in fact, CET, or any other individual group can submit comments, or a group

mscade: to be clear my last post was about the CSTD -WG on Enhanced Cooperation

matthew shears: ah ok - got it - clearly neeed a calculator

matthew shears: yes

matthew shears: + 1 Veni

mscade: Just for everyone to be aware- I am 202xxx1196 on the participant list. I could not be heard, so am in the Adobe twice. apologies for that but so no one is wondering who the 202 add is.

ni: Draft agenda proposes "waht to look for in future" could say "next steps"

ni: @ Marilyn - the mystery woman 

ni: No idea why I (Nigel) am "Ni"

mscade: The Outcome Document from NY provides the forward looking focus, I agree.

mscade: And I agree that the focus should be the road ahead...

mscade: Invitations could be sent fairly quickly, and then we can have a back up plan for speakers if those speakers are not available.

Bill Drake: Peter and Chengetai have been on the panel a dozen  times, no?

mscade: Chengetai has not been on a panel any time recently.

Bill Drake: from teh beginning of time

mscade: BUT that isn't the issue is it? He is the Secretariat of the IGF.

matthew shears: well - I would prefer an interactive discussion on some subject

Bill Drake: not the paper, the topic

Bill Drake: again

matthew shears: I think we shoud stick to fragmentation (not WEF fragmentation) add someone on IP addressing etc. as that is always a topic of fragmentation, etc.

Farzaneh Badii: it's not a dead horse

mscade: Fragmentation as a security risk is important.

Bill Drake: yes but that's what seems to be the direction Matthew

Bill Drake: every time

mscade: what might otherwise be termed as 'regional fragmentation' driven by security concerns is also a challeng and whiel it largely belongs in the IGF, ther are aspects t relevant to but we need to focus on what is about ICANN's role -- eg. SSR

matthew shears: perhaps we can look to teh WEF paper for suggestionsas to how we couyld shape the 30 mins and then pick speakers accordingly

Bill Drake: I wouldn't load up a bunch of speakers

matthew shears: agre

matthew shears: e#

mscade: Translating into why stuff matters to the rest of ICANN, not just us who ar e the well informed, is our challenge... why does it matter to ICANN is always the question. WSIS is not over, Bill.

mscade: In fact, the Outcome Document made that clear.

mscade: Governments met after the HL meeting and advised that they will continue to try to make changes each year...that is risky to ICANN.

mscade: I am supportive of talking about fragmentation as long as we focus on what matters to ICANN and I do consider it an important issue.

mscade: Should we discuss the Wushen Conference? If so, probably also talk about the Cyber Conference,.

Robin Gross: Sounds like censorship is being proposed.  That's a no-go.

Bill Drake: right...leave Fadi out of it

mscade: Robin should comment on what she meant. but I think that we all agree we are not talking about Fadi. Talkng about the goals of the Wushen conference purpose is different.

matthew shears: lessons learned for the org not just about fadi - its important that we discuss the perception challenges, etc.

matthew shears: so that we don't have cock-ups like this in the future

Bill Drake: the issue is not Fadi. the issue is what is going on in the policy environment that affects fragmentation

Bill Drake: no

matthew shears: + 1 Bill

mscade: In our face to face session, I also think that we need to be clear about our concerns about Fadi's actions that are not supported by the community, but that belongs in the f-f session if anywhere. not in the public session.

Farzaneh Badii: 30 minutes for WSIS +10 is too much

Farzaneh Badii: who is the moderator ?

Bill Drake: I agree

mscade: Farzaneh, I disagree. And in the spirit of compromise, I propse that we have equal time slots.

Robin Gross 2: I don't have audio for this call, but yes, I meant the substantive topics should not be banned.  I agree it is a mistake to make it all about The Fadi.

matthew shears: if therr are no questions in teh WSIS session we move on promptly

Bill Drake: Simple question: how long a time block for Chengetai to tell us how many rooms there will be in Mexico?

Bill Drake: and how many for Peter to tell us the timeline for WGEC

mscade: Yes, to Matthew's proposal of moving on, if there are not comments., but remember tahat it may be comments, not just questtions.

Bill Drake: not flying

Farzaneh Badii: alright

Bill Drake: crawling

Farzaneh Badii: engine failure though

mscade: Bill, really? you are being very negative toward the Secretariat and I am  quite disappointed .

Bill Drake: why not have the substantive discussion first and then do the updates second?

Farzaneh Badii: I like that Bill

matthew shears: not sure about that approach - would prefer to get through updates asap and go to discussion

Farzaneh Badii: okkkk

Bill Drake: Well I wouldn't want to waste their time...

Bill Drake: I agree

Bill Drake: I don't know where the debate concept came from

Bill Drake: who's got that portfolio?

Bill Drake: it sounds like fun

mscade: Frankly, I am speaking with several young attendees from developing countries and they are interested in the topic, but they are not going to be 'debating'. They might feel more comfortable with 'discussion' about...

Bill Drake: can we hear from someone other than the four of us?

mscade: the issue is really what is going on at the same time, and I have notlooked at that.

Bill Drake: it's a U table right?

Bill Drake: we compete with ICANN/IANA Operating Plan & Budget

Bill Drake: I agree

Olivier Crepin-Leblond: @Bill: yes we have asked for a U table

matthew shears: ++++++ 1 Marilyn

mscade: Shouldn't we discuss again ourselves by another call

mscade: I am not so interested in asking permission, as the CCWG role is not to ask permission, but it is to have a dialogue, I agree...

Bill Drake: there is that distinct possibility

matthew shears: agree we should discuss our role wihtin the WG first and come up with the rationale etc.

Olivier Crepin-Leblond: @Matthew: there are various views in the Wg on this. Some want the WG to write policy telling staff what to do. Others object to this

mscade: it must be very challenging as a board member to travel to a conference on IG and not have any guidance from the CCWG-IG at all at least at the principles level. and we do need to discuss within the WG, but that means that we discuss it as CCWG members, who are supported by staff but staff are not  members of the CCWG.

Olivier Crepin-Leblond: there are a range of views

mscade: And we should hear all the views of the CCWG IG members, I agree.

matthew shears: + 1 Marilyn

Farzaneh Badii: +1 Marilyn

mscade: We might want to do a sort of survey monkey to gather views at some point

Farzaneh Badii: thanks . bye

judith hellerstein: Sorry was held up at a meeting

Bill Drake: I am unavailable Tues-Thurs


judith hellerstein: me as well

Greg Shatan: Next Monday is a US holiday (Presidents Day).

judith hellerstein: i am available on monday

matthew shears: |do a doodle

Bill Drake: you can do it without Judith and I

Greg Shatan: Not that it matters...

judith hellerstein: the following week is good

Bill Drake: or that

mscade: I can do Tuesday, and some time slots Wed, but once the WSIS ITU Council WG starts, I thiknk that is goig to consume me...

Bill Drake: Monday is Obama giving away the Intenret day

judith hellerstein: I can probably do a call in the late in tues

judith hellerstein: the week of feb 22 is good for me

Farzaneh Badii: doodle is a good idea

mscade: Late in evening in gVA/mid day in US/etc. can work  most days even next week

Bill Drake: bye

Farzaneh Badii: Bye

judith hellerstein: bye

Greg Shatan: bye

mscade: Thanks very much, Olivier, excellent chairing!

nigel: thanks all