Content Contribution Guidelines
Content Contribution Guidelines
Content submission is divided in two sections. Contributions are invited on Internet Governance Principles and The Roadmap for the Further Evolution of the Internet Governance Ecosystem.
Where: http://content.netmundial.br/
When: Deadline for the content submission is March 1st
Character/word limit:
-Abstract: up to 500 characters
-Keywords: up to 5 words
-Content contribution: up to 10,000 characters with spaces
Questions to consider:
- Issues' statement (what are the issues?)
- Is there a forum or Internet Governance body that develops policy or technical outcomes involved in these issues?
- If there is, how and why are these issues not being adequately dealt with by that forum or organization?
- What are the possible responses to the challenges posed by these issues?
- How will the possible responses proposed ensure the stability, resilience and efficiency and also comply with principles of equitable multistakeholder participation, accountability, transparency and predictability?
Source: http://content.netmundial.br/