Implementation Shepherds

Implementation Shepherds

During and after plenary call #76, the following review team members volunteered to become implementation shepherds:

      • Jordyn Buchanan
      • Drew Bagley
      • Laureen Kapin
      • Carlton Samuels
      • David Taylor
      • Jonathan Zuck

As per the CCT Approved Terms of Reference (under AoC), CCTRT members may be called upon for feedback on recommendations after implementation has begun. CCT review team members may wish to remain available for such post-CCT Review Team discussions.

Implementation Shepherds will be contacted on as-needed basis, to provide clarifications via email, calls (if necessary), on:

      • Recommendations’ intent
      • Recommendations’ rationale
      • Facts leading to conclusions
      • Envisioned timeline
      • Successful measures of implementation

Mailing-List Archives https://mm.icann.org/pipermail/cct-ia/



Requests for Clarification


DateAttendeesMeeting RecordsDiscussion Material


Carlton Samuels, David Taylor, Jonathan Zuck, Laureen Kapin, Drew Bagley

ICANN org:  Alice Jansen, Brenda Brewer, Dana Kuebler, Larisa Gurnick

Zoom Replay
Zoom Chat
Meeting Summary
