Nielsen Meeting #3 - 11 May
Nielsen Meeting #3 - 11 May
Review Team Members: Carlos Raúl Gutiérrez, Waudo Siganga, Jonathan Zuck, Jordyn Buchanan, Stan Besen, Fabro Steibel
Staff: Alice Jansen, Brenda Brewer, Margie Milam, Pamela Smith, Eleeza Agopian, Karen Mulberry
Guests: David Dickinson, Paula Coccia, Susan Rabel
Agenda: Review phase 2 registrant questionnaire
Discussion documents: Phase 2 registrant questionnaire DOC - PDF
Chat Transcript: EN
- Nielsen to take a stab at incorporating questions
- Include real world examples on question 1
- Put together a list of questions that could be dropped to avoid duplication
- Nielsen to send in revised version on Monday (tentatively)
- Schedule a call on 19 May
- Review Team Members to send in any additional feedback by next Tuesday (17 May) using google doc https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Lm_prygaT5KHvrIBDef8hiegKV8BySl7ruRKOPy8YCI/edit
- Finalize survey by mid July