CCT Meeting #4 (Los Angeles)

CCT Meeting #4 (Los Angeles)

Day 1 - 22 February


Review Team Members: Jonathan Zuck, Carlton Samuels, Carlos Raul Gutierrez, Waudo Siganga, Stanley Besen, Laureen Kapin, Megan Richards, Gao Mosweu, Fabro Stiebel, Dejan Djukic, Jordyn Buchanan, David Taylor, Jamie Hedlund, Calvin Browne (remotely), Kaili Kan (remotely), Drew Bagley (remotely).

Staff: Erika Randall, Theresa Swinehart, Eleeza Agopian, Karen Lentz, Dennis Chang, Margie Milam, Alice Jansen, Pamela Smith, Charla Shambley, Samantha Eisner, Karen Mulberry, Akram Atallah, Christine Willett, Christopher Bare, Jared Erwin, Xavier Calvez, Cristina Flores.

Observers: Jim Prendergast, Berry Cobb, Jeff Neuman 


Chat Transcript: Chat - 22 February

Transcript: Transcript - 22 February


  • Revised document for conflict of interest policy to be circulated.
  • Eleeza to incorporate edits on definitions.
  • Form a metrics subteam. 
  • Review Team Members to send expression of interest to Eleeza. 
  • Identify liaison to report issues to Teams.
  • Subteam to drive scope discussion. 
  • ICANN staff to follow up on potential meeting at ICANN 56.
  • ICANN staff to circulate a doodle poll to determine dates for ICANN 56.
  • Karen Lentz to provide synopsis of issues.
  • Identify Project Manager for budget related item and involve other Review Team Members in steps as appropriate. Project manager may need to sign document.
  • Megan and David to lead effort on high level themes for evaluation.
  • Review Team Members to sign up for areas. 
Day 2 - 23 February


Review Team Members: Jonathan Zuck, Carlton Samuels, Carlos Raul Gutierrez, Waudo Siganga, Stanley Besen, Laureen Kapin, Megan Richards, Gao Mosweu, Fabro Stiebel, Deja Djukic, Jordyn Buchanan, David Taylor, Jamie Hedlund, Calvin Browne (remotely), Kaili Kan (remotely), Drew Bagley (remotely).

Research Team: David Dickinson (Nielsen), Paula Coccia (Nielsen)

Staff: Eleeza Agopian, Karen Lentz, Dennis Chang, Margie Milam, Alice Jansen, Pamela Smith, Karen Mulberry, Krista Papac, Allen Grogan, Maguy Serad, Jennifer Scott, Christopher Bare, Christine Willett, Antoinetta Mangiacotti, Erika Randall

Observers: Berry Cobb, Jeff Neuman, Michael Palage, Jim Prendergast, Marika Konings, Steve Chan


Chat Transcript: Chat - 23 February

Transcript: Transcript - 23 February (part 1)Transcript - 23 February (part 2)


Safeguards and trust team: 

  • Look for browsing/traffic data
  • Project to observe users' behavior online

Nielsen sub team: Carlos, David, Jordyn, Jonathan, Laureen, Waudo, Fabro

  • Team to compare the consumer trust definition in Terms of Reference against what is being asked in the questionnaire.

Application and evaluation process: 

(A) Sections 1 (Application Processing) and 5 (Transition to Delegation): Carlton, Carlos, Jordyn

(B) Section 2 (Application Evaluation): Fabro, Carlton, Calvin, Stan, Kaili 

(C) Sections 3 (Objection Procedures) and 4 (Contention Resolution): Jamie, David, Megan, Dejan, Laureen, Waudo

(D) Sections 6 (Applicant Support), 7 (Continuing Operations Instrument) and 8 (Program Management): Gao, Jonathan, Drew

Additional data sources:

  • Ombudsman's report on the process/procedures for community applications (https://omblog.icann.org/index.html%3Fm=201510.html): Group C will examine
  • Staff request: Create short summaries of each reconsideration request, characterize the nature of the objection, similar for CEP and IRP requests

Competition and choice: David, Jordyn, Dejan, Jonathan, Megan, Waudo, Stan, Kaili

Safeguards and trust: Jamie, Carlos, Fabro, Gao, Laureen, Drew, Carlton


Marketplace Health Index: Jonathan

DNS Abuse Review: Drew 

RPM PDP: David

New gTLDs PDP: Carlos, Waudo

TMCH: Dejan

Root Stability Study: Jordyn

Metrics ninjas: TBD