2024-08-28 CCOICI - Meeting #49
The call will take place on Wednesday, 28 August 2024 at 13:00 UTC for 60 minutes.
For other places see: https://tinyurl.com/yxd9av47
- Welcome and SOI Updates (2 min)
- Announcements, Work plan and upcoming meeting schedule (15 min)
- CIP-CCG update from Damon and Manju
- CCOICI Charter Review (40 min)
- Overview of first draft of charter document [docs.google.com]
- Membership comparison tool [docs.google.com]
- Next Steps & AOB (3 mins)
Zoom Recording (including audio, visual, rough transcript and chat)
GNSO transcripts are located on the GNSO Calendar
Notes/ Action Items
Action Items
- Leadership/Damon requests the Team to review the document to CIP-CCG Framework [docs.google.com] for the GNSO Council and provide input by Wednesday, 4 September.
- Leadership requests the Team to review the draft of charter document [docs.google.com]and provide input by Wednesday, 11 September – Welcome individual feedback as well as representing the SG/C’s feedback.
1.Welcome and SOI Updates
- N/A
2.Announcements, Work plan and upcoming meeting schedule
- Announcements: 1) No Meeting on 4 September and CCOICI will resume on 11 September – Please review the draft charter in the meantime; 2) CCOICI will most probably have an extensive meeting during ICANN81 in Istanbul.
3.CIP-CCG update from Damon and Manju
- Shared the notes on high-level but did not receive any more feedback.
- Currently, CCOICI needs to finalize the comments on the criteria, as we only have Manju’s feedback - Please check the document to CIP-CCG Framework [docs.google.com] and by first part of next week, return the feedback to CIP-CCG (1 week from today)
*Action Item: Leadership/Damon requests the Team to review the document to CIP-CCG Framework [docs.google.com] for the GNSO Council and provide input by Wednesday, 4 September.
4.CCOICI Charter Review
a.Overview of first draft of charter document [docs.google.com]
- The draft charter has been updated based on the pilot charter and Team discussions through the various case studies.
- Leadership/staff request the Team to review the draft charter above, paying particular attention to the Membership Structure and Criteria section for the CCOICI.
- Current Draft:
- Drafted in formal charter template:
- Section 1: Identification of SC
- Section 2: Mission, Objectives, and Deliverables
- Scope – Current and planned projects along with any assigned prioritization information will be maintained and managed in a temporary archive; Trying not to be prescriptive, but includes outline via ICANN Bylaws, prior and possible future projects that can be useful as reference for determining the scope of projects for CCOICI.
- Section 3: Formation, Membership and Staffing – This will be specifically discussed today during the meeting, focusing on CCOICI vs. TF
- Section 4: Rule of Engagement
- Status Reporting: Assessing the status and condition of active projects
- Section 5: Decision Making Methodologies
- Consensus Designation Process: Standard decision-making methodology as outlined in Section 3.6 of the GNSO WG Guidelines
- Section 6: Charter Document History
- Drafted in formal charter template:
*Action Item: Leadership requests the Team to review the draft of charter document [docs.google.com] and provide input by Wednesday, 11 September.
b.Membership comparison tool [docs.google.com]
- Tool to help the Team with membership structure formation, which shows the composition of members and voting rights (numbers), comparing the GNSO Council (Columns D-E), pilot CCOICI and TF (Columns F-H), potential (desired) CCOICI and TF (Columns J-H)
- Through the data/tool, trying to figure out the desired structure for CCOICI/TF
- Each symbol (numbering, acronym) of the members is marked in Column N
- Observers/Guests: Board, Leadership of each SG/C need to be “in the know” and/or follow the progress.
- Column K: Excluding Observers/Guests, the GNSO-wide group/rows is quite similar to the GNSO Council structure
- Discussion Items:
- Question 1: If not to overload the GNSO Councilors, as discussed, should the structure be revised?
Currently from the tool itself, the proposal is for only 1 to be assigned from CSG and 1 from NCSG (of 6 respectively), Vice-Chairs should be fully connected. Further, NCA plays a critical role here too.
Agree with too much burden at the Council level, but still need to think from Council oversight and priority perspective.
- Question 2: Why does the membership structure need to be so prescriptive? i.e., CSG only 1 member; why can’t it be 3 from CSG and allow the CSG to appoint the appropriate members to CCOICI?
Something to consider and continue with through future discussions. Leadership, again, requests the Team to review the charter and again, provide input.
*Action Item: Leadership requests the Team to review the draft of charter document [docs.google.com] and provide input by Wednesday, 11 September.
5.Next Steps & AOB
- No Meeting on Wednesday, 4 September
- Please provide feedback for both CIP-CCG and CCOICI Draft Charter
*Action Item: 1) Leadership/Damon requests the Team to review the document to CIP-CCG Framework [docs.google.com] for the GNSO Council and provide input by Wednesday, 4 September; 2) Leadership requests the Team to review the draft of charter document [docs.google.com] and provide input by Wednesday, 11 September.