2024-08-28 CCOICI - Meeting #49

2024-08-28 CCOICI - Meeting #49

The call will take place on Wednesday, 28 August 2024 at 13:00 UTC for 60 minutes.

For other places see: https://tinyurl.com/yxd9av47


  1. Welcome and SOI Updates (2 min)
  2. Announcements, Work plan and upcoming meeting schedule (15 min)
    1. CIP-CCG update from Damon and Manju
  3. CCOICI Charter Review (40 min)
    1. Overview of first draft of charter document [docs.google.com]
    2. Membership comparison tool [docs.google.com]
  4. Next Steps & AOB (3 mins)



Dial out: Lawrence Olawale-Roberts

Apologies: Jennifer Chung



Audio Recording

Zoom Recording (including audio, visual, rough transcript and chat)

GNSO transcripts are located on the GNSO Calendar

Notes/ Action Items

Action Items

  1. Leadership/Damon requests the Team to review the document to CIP-CCG Framework [docs.google.com] for the GNSO Council and provide input by Wednesday, 4 September.
  2. Leadership requests the Team to review the draft of charter document [docs.google.com]and provide input by Wednesday, 11 September – Welcome individual feedback as well as representing the SG/C’s feedback.


1.Welcome and SOI Updates

  • N/A

2.Announcements, Work plan and upcoming meeting schedule

  • Announcements: 1) No Meeting on 4 September and CCOICI will resume on 11 September – Please review the draft charter in the meantime; 2) CCOICI will most probably have an extensive meeting during ICANN81 in Istanbul.

 3.CIP-CCG update from Damon and Manju

  • Shared the notes on high-level but did not receive any more feedback.
  • Currently, CCOICI needs to finalize the comments on the criteria, as we only have Manju’s feedback - Please check the document to CIP-CCG Framework [docs.google.com] and by first part of next week, return the feedback to CIP-CCG (1 week from today)

*Action Item: Leadership/Damon requests the Team to review the document to CIP-CCG Framework [docs.google.com] for the GNSO Council and provide input by Wednesday, 4 September.


4.CCOICI Charter Review

     a.Overview of first draft of charter document [docs.google.com]

  • The draft charter has been updated based on the pilot charter and Team discussions through the various case studies.
  • Leadership/staff request the Team to review the draft charter above, paying particular attention to the Membership Structure and Criteria section for the CCOICI.
  • Current Draft:
    • Drafted in formal charter template:
      • Section 1: Identification of SC
      • Section 2: Mission, Objectives, and Deliverables
        • Scope – Current and planned projects along with any assigned prioritization information will be maintained and managed in a temporary archive; Trying not to be prescriptive, but includes outline via ICANN Bylaws, prior and possible future projects that can be useful as reference for determining the scope of projects for CCOICI.
      • Section 3: Formation, Membership and Staffing – This will be specifically discussed today during the meeting, focusing on CCOICI vs. TF
      • Section 4: Rule of Engagement
        • Status Reporting: Assessing the status and condition of active projects
      • Section 5: Decision Making Methodologies
        • Consensus Designation Process: Standard decision-making methodology as outlined in Section 3.6 of the GNSO WG Guidelines
      • Section 6: Charter Document History

*Action Item: Leadership requests the Team to review the draft of charter document [docs.google.com] and provide input by Wednesday, 11 September.

     b.Membership comparison tool [docs.google.com]

  • Tool to help the Team with membership structure formation, which shows the composition of members and voting rights (numbers), comparing the GNSO Council (Columns D-E), pilot CCOICI and TF (Columns F-H), potential (desired) CCOICI and TF (Columns J-H)
    • Through the data/tool, trying to figure out the desired structure for CCOICI/TF
    • Each symbol (numbering, acronym) of the members is marked in Column N
    • Observers/Guests: Board, Leadership of each SG/C need to be “in the know” and/or follow the progress.
    • Column K: Excluding Observers/Guests, the GNSO-wide group/rows is quite similar to the GNSO Council structure
  • Discussion Items:
    • Question 1: If not to overload the GNSO Councilors, as discussed, should the structure be revised?

 Currently from the tool itself, the proposal is for only 1 to be assigned from CSG and 1 from NCSG (of 6 respectively), Vice-Chairs should be fully connected. Further, NCA plays a critical role here too.

 Agree with too much burden at the Council level, but still need to think from Council oversight and priority perspective.

    • Question 2: Why does the membership structure need to be so prescriptive? i.e., CSG only 1 member; why can’t it be 3 from CSG and allow the CSG to appoint the appropriate members to CCOICI?

 Something to consider and continue with through future discussions. Leadership, again, requests the Team to review the charter and again, provide input.

*Action Item: Leadership requests the Team to review the draft of charter document [docs.google.com] and provide input by Wednesday, 11 September.

5.Next Steps & AOB

  • No Meeting on Wednesday, 4 September
  • Please provide feedback for both CIP-CCG and CCOICI Draft Charter

*Action Item: 1) Leadership/Damon requests the Team to review the document to CIP-CCG Framework [docs.google.com] for the GNSO Council and provide input by Wednesday, 4 September; 2) Leadership requests the Team to review the draft of charter document [docs.google.com] and provide input by Wednesday, 11 September.