2023-07-06 CCOICI - Meeting #36
2023-07-06 CCOICI - Meeting #36
The call will take place on Thursday, 06 July 2023 at 12:00 UTC for 60 minutes.
For other places see: https://tinyurl.com/3apk2m5c
1) Welcome
2) Feedback from SG/Cs on compromise proposal
3) Confirm next steps
Zoom Recording (including audio, visual, rough transcript and chat)
GNSO transcripts are located on the GNSO Calendar
Notes/ Action Items
- Staff to update the report to 1) delete the language about not participating in consensus calls (page 6); and 2) to insert the new language about only representing yourself/employer (page 8) – DONE: See attached PDF.
- CCOICI members to review pages 6 and 8 of the revised report (attached) and provide feedback to the group on the list not later than the meeting on 19 July.
- Welcome
2. Feedback from SG/Cs on compromise proposal
- Sebastien: RySG is not willing to budge. Chris Disspain’s view also was to counter the two assertions: 1) that by demanding transparency we would be limiting people from joining – we aren’t asking lawyers to disclose their clients as such, people can still participate as themselves (in their own name); more targeting an insider who is represented by several people in the room. In the specific case of new applicants not wanting to disclose their own name, that is an edge case and we shouldn’t be building policy on it.
- Manju, NCSG/Chair: If RySG isn’t willing to budge that means going back to the status quo?
- Seb, RySG: We would like that removed – so no option to say “private”.
- Manju, NCSG/Chair: So they are representing themselves. Is it possible to put this into text?
- Seb, RySG: Can share the spirit of our proposal in a suggested text.
- Manju, NCSG/Chair: What do others think?
- Marie, BC: Can’t really comment until I’ve seen it written down. The BC has tried to seek compromise. Looking at the stats the entire use of the exemption is an edge case. Confused how this would work in practice, but it seems like you wouldn’t have to disclose your client at all.
- Seb, RySG: Edge case was new applicants not disclosing. The other issue is if we ask people to speak in their own capacity then you can’t be changing positions.
- Susan, IPC: Seems that this takes us back to the status quo. Don’t see how this delivers more transparency. Don’t see how this is better than the compromise.
- Marika, staff: I think in the text, it would look something like this: “If the answer is “Yes,” please provide the name of the represented individual or entity. (If professional ethical obligations prevent you from disclosing this information, you are assumed to participate on your own behalf or on behalf of the entity you listed as your current employer).” We can incorporate the text in the report.
- Manju, NCSG/Chair: We could still keep the whole request for disclosure and then add this text.
- Marika, staff: You would still ask them to describe and if they don’t then they are participating on behalf of yourself and your employer.
- Desiree, NomCom: How would we track if someone keeps changing his or her position?
- Marie, BC: Also a bit confused as to the idea if you're there for the mythical big player you'd change your mind in every meeting - wouldn't you in fact be more likely to be solid in your line then?
- Seb, RySG: Imagine a big player – if they don’t want to disclose then their position would have to be their own/employer – not whom they represent.
- Manju, NCSG/Chair: We can share this text with our groups since we are missing some people today.
- Marika, staff: Would we keep in the language about people not participating in consensus calls if they don’t disclose?
- Seb, RySG: We wouldn’t include it – hard to say who would make that ruling and what would be the guidelines?
- Manju, NCSG/Chair: Confirm that you would delete the language about not participating in consensus calls?
- Seb, RySG: For the registries, yes.
- Manju: We still have to go back to our groups to consider – perhaps for two weeks. We’ll schedule on the 19th of July at the same time.
3. Next Steps
- Schedule a call for Wednesday, 19 July at 1200 UTC.
- After the CCOICI finishes this work since this was a pilot project the Council will ask the CCOICI how the work can be improved.
- Staff to update the report to 1) delete the language about not participating in consensus calls (page 6); and 2) to insert the new language about only representing yourself/employer (page 8) – DONE: See attached PDF.
- CCOICI members to review pages 6 and 8 of the revised report (attached) and provide feedback to the group on the list not later than the meeting on 19 July.