Rec 3: RZERC003 - CLOSED

Rec 3: RZERC003 - CLOSED

Adding Zone Data Protections to the Root Zone (R3)

Date IssuedDocumentReference IDCurrent Phase


Adding Zone Data Protections to the Root Zone (R3)RZERC003CLOSED


Developers of name server software are encouraged to implement ZONEMD and consider enabling it by default when the software is configured to locally serve root zone data.


DatePhaseTypeStatus Updates


ClosedPhase ChangeThis Advice Item is now Closed


Phase 5Phase UpdateBased on Understanding of Advice and AP feedback, no further action is required.


Phase 5Phase ChangeNow in Phase 5


Phase 2Board UnderstandingICANN org understands this recommendation is directed at the broader community of software development and no further action by ICANN org is directly envisaged. The potential action is for this to be taken up as an update to the standard specification of hyperlocal (i.e. RFC 8806).


Phase 2AP FeedbackRZERC suggested that the last sentence be worded as “[REMOVE The appropriate] A potential action is for this to be taken up as an update to the standard specification of hyperlocal (i.e. RFC 8806).”


Phase 2AP FeedbackRZERC intended this as a recommendation to the broader community of software development. The appropriate action is for this to be taken up as an update to the standard specification of hyperlocal (i.e. RFC 8806). No further action by ICANN org directly is envisaged in this recommendation. ICANN is not expected to wait for conclusion on this recommendation to proceed with the other recommendations in RZERC003.


Phase 2Board UnderstandingICANN org understands this recommendation is directed at the broader community of software development and no further action by ICANN org is directly envisaged. The appropriate action is for this to be taken up as an update to the standard specification of hyperlocal (i.e. RFC 8806).


Phase 2Phase UpdateICANN sent this understanding to the RZERC for review.


Phase 2Phase ChangeNow in Phase 2


Phase 2Phase UpdateAcknowledgement sent to RZERC.


Phase 1Phase UpdateRZERC published RZERC003: Adding Zone Data Protections to the Root Zone: https://www.icann.org/uploads/ckeditor/rzerc-003-en.pdf.