

Recommendations Regarding Signing Root Zone Name Server Data (R-1C)

Date IssuedDocumentReference IDCurrent Phase


Recommendations Regarding Signing Root Zone Name Server Data (R-1C)RZERC002



The RZERC recommends that ICANN org conduct the further studies called for in Recommendation 2 of RSSAC028 and focus on these aspects of the research: Understand and document the behavior of recursive name servers with respect to validating signed priming responses. Do they validate and detect incorrect data? What fraction of priming queries today have the DO bit set?


DatePhaseTypeStatus Updates

ClosedPhase ChangeThis Advice Item is now Closed

Phase 5Phase UpdateBased on the understanding of the Advice, this item is considered complete.

Phase 5Phase ChangeNow in Phase 5


Phase 2AP FeedbackRZERC confirmation of understanding.


Phase 2Phase UpdateSent updated understanding to AP for review.


Phase 2Board UnderstandingICANN org understands this recommendation to be a request from RZERC for the org to complete the work specified in RSSAC028, and that RZERC is not requesting any additional work beyond that specified in RSSAC028. As this item contains no new action for the ICANN Board, the item will be considered closed. The RZERC can monitor progress of RSSAC028 by accessing the Root Server System Advisory Committee (RSSAC) Advice Status page (https://features.icann.org/board-advice/rssac).


Phase 2AP FeedbackIn RZERC002, the RZERC was acknowledging that the work requested in RSSAC028 has not been completed and that the RZERC believes that the results of the work requested in RSSAC028 would be helpful in informing changes recommended to the Root Zone. As such, the RZERC would defer questions about terminology to the RSSAC.


Phase 2Phase UpdateUnderstandings sent to RZERC.


Phase 2Board UnderstandingICANN org understands this to be a request to research how the recursive resolvers in the testbed act in the face of responses to priming queries, particularly in the case that those queries had the DO bit set. This research should test both responses that are DNSSEC valid and those that are not. In addition, there is a request to determine an approximation of the fraction of queries to the RSS that have the DO bit set today. ICANN understands “current” to reflect the date immediately prior to publication of the research. ICANN understands “recursive resolvers” to mean all supported-by-the-vendor versions of BIND, Unbound, Power DNS Resolver, Knot Resolver, Microsoft DNS, and dnsmasq.

Phase 2Phase ChangeNow in Phase 2


Phase 1Phase UpdateAcknowledgement sent to RZERC.


Phase 1Phase UpdateRZERC published RZERC002: Recommendations Regarding Signing Root Zone Name Server Data: https://www.icann.org/uploads/ckeditor/rzerc-002-en.pdf.