Rec 6 CWG-Morality and Public Order

This is the home of the Cross Community WG space discussing Recommendation 6 of the new gTLD process.   The Cross Community WG has concluded its work on this issue.

Background and Current Status

ICANN is currently finalizing the implementation details for the launch of new gTLDs.   ICANN’s recently posted Proposed Final Guidebook proposes procedures for addressing objections based on morality and public order concerns arising out of objectionable new gTLD strings. 

The policy recommendations to guide the introduction of new gTLDs were created by the GNSO over a two year effort.    Among these GNSO policy recommendations is Recommendation 6, which states that:

Strings must not be contrary to generally accepted legal norms relating to morality and public order that are recognized under international principles of law.

A cross-community working group (CWG) comprised of members of the GAC, GNSO, and the At Large Community published its Report addressing concerns that have surfaced regarding the proposed implementation of Rec6.    ICANN published an explanatory memorandum analyzing the CWG Report, and conducted a consultation in Cartagena to better understand the recommendations of the CWG.   The ICANN Board‘s resolutions in Cartagena continued this consultation by seeking additional clarification from the CWG on three key issues.  The CWG promptly responded to the Board in an effort to assist ICANN in finalizing the treatment of these limited public interest objections.  With this clarification to the Board, the CWG has concluded its work on this issue.

Since the conclusion of the CWG's work,  this issue has been the subject of additional analysis as part of the Board's consultation with the GAC in Brussels and at the Silicon Valley ICANN Meeting.

Additional Information:

  1. To review the proposed implementation plan for Recommendation 6  in the Proposed Final Guidebook, please refer to Module 3:
  2. The ICANN Board’s resolution from Cartagena on Recommendation 6 is posted at:
  3. The CWG’s clarification to the Board is posted at:
  4. ICANN's briefing papers for the Board/GAC Brussels consulations are posted at:
  5. GAC scorecard on New gTLD Issues is posted at:
  6. Board Notes on the GAC scorecard is posted at:
  7. Information from the Silicon Valley Meeting regarding the GAC's concerns related to the New gTLD issues is posted at:

Information on the membership of the CWG:
The distribution list includes the following individuals:


Cheryl Langdon Orr - ALAC chair

Alan Greenberg

Sebastien Bachollet

Olivier Crépin-Leblond

Dave Kissoondoyal

Carlton Samuels

Evan Leibovitch – ALAC

Commercial Stakeholder Group

Marilyn Cade - CBUC

Zahid Jamil - CBUC

Jon Nevett - CBUC

Philip Sheppard  - CBUC

Kristina Rosette - IPC

Jaime Wagner - ISPCP

Non Commercial Stakeholder group

Avri Doria

William Drake

Mary Wong

Milton Mueller

Konstantinus Komaitis

Robin Gross

Registrars Stakeholder Group

Stephane van Gelder - RrSG GNSO Council vice chair

Graham Chynoweth - RrSG

Michele Neylon - RrSG

Tony Kirsch – RrSG

Registries Stakeholder Group

Chuck Gomes – GNSO Council chair

Edmon Chung

Caroline Greer

David Maher

Ken Stubbs

Nominating Committee Appointees

Olga Cavalli - GNSO Council vice chair

Terry Davis

Andrei Kolesnikov


Richard Tindal

Anthony van Couvering

Dirk Krischenowski

Jothan Frakes

Steve Pinkos

Stuart Lawly

Vanda Scartezini - ICANN Board

Paul Stahura


Heather Dryden - Interim GAC Chair

Tamara Sone - GAC

Frank March – GAC

GAC mailing list – (The GAC can read the SOAC-MAPO list but only individual members who are subscribed to the soac --mapo list are able to to respond on the list.)


David Olive

ALAC Staff

Massimiliano.Minisci – GAC Liaison

Liz Gasster

Margie Milam

Marika Konings

Gisella Gruber-White

Glen de Saint Géry