2022-06-14 ICANN74 Registration Data Accuracy Scoping Team

2022-06-14 ICANN74 Registration Data Accuracy Scoping Team

DATE: Tuesday, 14 June 2022

TIME: 13:15-14:30 CEST

ROOM: Amazon

Registration Data Accuracy Scoping Team – ICANN 74 Meeting

ICANN74, Tuesday 14 June from 13.15 – 14.30 local time (11.15 – 12.30 UTC).

1. Welcome & Chair Updates

2. Brief recap

    1. Scoping Team assignment
    2. Current state of work
    3. planned outreach to the EDPB

3. Finalize write up for assignments #1 and #2 for delivery to GNSO Council – see https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cV5ExSZD6G-owksGmMEmig0OXVdGcAUU/edit

    1. Consider any outstanding items
      • Scoping team recommendation #2 – what work, if any, can/should the Accuracy Scoping Team carry out while outreach to the EDPB is conducted, and/or based on what data can work on assignment #3 already begin?
      • Footnote page 10 – how to resolve
      • Any other proposals for data gathering that the Scoping Team should include for further consideration (e.g. register names with purposefully inaccurate information as an experiment)?  
    2. Confirm deadline for final review
    3. Confirm next steps

4. Any other business

5. Confirm action items & next meeting (TBC)