ALS Survey Analysis 03.11.10 Teleconference

ALS Survey Analysis 03.11.10 Teleconference

Meeting Number: AL.SAT/CC/1110/1

Date: Wednesday, 03 November 2010

Time: 12:00 - 13:00 UTC (05:00 PDT / 08:00 EDT / 09:00 Buenos Aires / 13:00 CET /  17:00 Lahore / 20:00 Hong Kong)

For the time in various timezones click here

Adobe Connect Room: http://icann.adobeconnect.com/alssurveyanalysis2010/

Participants: Dev Anand Teelucksingh, Tijani Ben Jemaa, Sylvia Herlein Leite, Darlene Thompson
Apologies: Wolf Ludwig, Fouad Bajwa
Staff: Matthias Langenegger

Interpretation Available: No

How can I participate in this meeting?

Who is on the dial-out list for this call

Summary Minutes: EN

Action Items: EN

Recording: EN


Reference Documents:

Survey Results:

Summary ALS Survey Analysis 2010

Complete ALS Survey Results 2010 (Google Spreadsheet)

Break down by language no comments, no names

Break down by region no comments, no names

ALS Survey Questions

RALO Presentations Brussels:

Audio file with presentation of survey results (move forward to about after the first Third of the recording)







1. Review Workplan for Survey Recommendations Report

Two options have been presented:

1.1 Workplan suggested by Dev Annand Teelucksingh and Tijani Ben Jemaa
  • Between 1 November and 5 November: Hold teleconference to discuss the format of the survey report and prepare a template for the regional survey recommendations
  • By 21 November: Each RALO will have completed and submitted a short document with regional recommendations based on the survey results
  • Between 22 November and 2 December: A sub-working group will write the final survey report. The document will summarize the regional recommendations, highlight cross-regional priorities and advise the ALAC regarding the next ALS survey (date to be determined)
  • 5 November: Present the survey report during the ALAC and Regional Leadership Working Session
1.2. Workplan suggested by Fouad Bajwa

Have a face-to-face meeting in Cartagena to discuss the Survey Recommendations.

2. Discuss Format for Survey Report

Draft Report Format:

1) Introduction (how the survey report and survey itself were developped)

2) General Recommendations based on RALO Reports (concrete recommendations to improve At-Large based on the survey results)

3) RALO Recommendation Reports

4) Closing Remarks and Suggestions for the next ALS Survey (areas that have not been covered by the 2010 ALS survey and should be covered in the next survey)

3. Agree on Template for Regional Recommendation Reports

The goal of this discussion is to have a standard template for all regional Survey Recommendation Reports.

Reference Documents :

RALO Recommendation: 

Please note that the following two documents have not been approved by APRALO and constitutes un-official reference material

APRALO in-reach and outreach suggestions based on the ALS survey (Fouad Bajwa, Pavan Budhrani)

Inreach and Outrech Draft Recommendations (Fouad Bajwa)

4. Next Steps/Next Call

Comments: (Comments will be accepted in the 6 UN languages)