ALAC Member Requirements and Responsibilities
The ALAC Rules of Procedure note the following ALAC Member Requirements and Responsibilities:
ALAC Member Requirements and Responsibilities
4.1 Agree to abide by these RoP and other requirements as may be agreed to by the
ALAC from time to time.
4.2 Serve on behalf of the ALAC and the At-Large Community by acting for the good of the entire Community.
4.3 Submit a Statement of Interest (SoI) including basic professional information, in a format agreed to by the ALAC, and keep that SoI up to date.
4.4 Attend all ALAC meetings, and to the extent that such participation from time to time may not be possible, provide advance notice of the planned absence where
4.5 Prepare for and actively participate in all ALAC discussions, including face-to -face meetings, teleconferences, e-mail lists, wikis and other means of interaction as agreed to by the ALAC.
4.6 Take part in all ALAC consensus decisions and votes except for those requiring attendance at a meeting where the ALAC Member is not present.
4.7 Play a leadership role in representing the interests of Internet users within ICANN.
4.8 Actively participate in ALAC WTs, and preferably in WTs sponsored by other ICANN bodies as well. Unless otherwise specified, such participation is as an individual and not formally representing the ALAC. Preferably, the ALAC Member will also take a leadership position within one or more of the WTs in which they participate.
4.9 Should a situation arise where a person can no longer reasonably (currently and ongoing) carry out the obligations of a role, be obliged to either resign or otherwise ensure that the ALAC and At-Large
are well-served.
4.10 Abide by other responsibilities more fully discussed in the Adjunct DocumentPosition Description for ALAC Members and Appointees