Working Group Members
Rudi Vansnick
Beau Brendler
Evan Leibovitch
Note to Baudoin, from the ALAC Chair... Please be assured that we will do our best to overcome any linguistic problems that you foresee we are more than capable and willing to assisting an active WG to overcome language based communication issues and of course we have many multi-lingual, staff and Members who would be more than willing to assist as well... So please do not hesitate to join and be involved in whatever language you are most comfortable working with in this group... CLO
contributed by B Schombe
S’il vous plaît n'hésitez pas à envoyer vos commentaires dans la langue française.
contributed by on 2008-09-02 17:18:18 GMT
In my capacity as ALAC member representing NA-RALO, I wish to express my interest to join this working group. I have requested to join the mailing list. I look forward to participating in the discussion and being an active member of the WG.
contributed by on 2008-09-05 12:56:26 GMT
- The Comment above from Robert Guerra is a Sept 2008 entry =>Robert resigned form his role ad NARALO representative to the ALAC in January 2009 and has been replaced by Gareth Sherman... However as an ALS representative I'm sure Robert will continue his contributions to this WG's activities... (CLO)**