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Main ICANN Schedule for all other meetings and remote participation









Hall 3

Annual General Meeting

Adobe Connect: https://participate.icann.org/hyd57-hall3/

10:30-11:00Coffee Break   


Hall 3

ICANN Public Forum 2

Adobe Connect: https://participate.icann.org/hyd57-hall3/



Hall 3

Community Recognition Program

Adobe Connect: https://participate.icann.org/hyd57-hall3/

13:45-15:15General Lunch Break & Coffee Break   


Hall 1

APRALO ALS Capacity Building Session 4

Adobe Connect: https://participate.icann.org/hyd57-hall1/

Agenda: The IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) ‘Transition’: ICANN Post the NTIA (National Telecommunications and Information Administration) Contract

  1. What was ICANN’s relationship with the NTIA before 1 October (See: 1998 Department of Commerce White Paper; NTIA Announces Intent to Transition Key Internet Domain Name Functions - March 14, 2014)
  2. What happened on 1 October – what has changed? (See: ICANN Announcement of 1 October 2016)
  3. What is the new structure
  4. Where does ALAC/the community fit in the new structure - Discussion with Alan Greenberg, Chair of the ALAC; Leon Sanchez, Vice-Chair of the ALAC and Co-Chair of the Cross-community WG on Accountability; and Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Incoming ALAC Liaison to the GNSO
  5. Next Steps

Moderator: Satish Babu and Holly Raiche

Lead: GG

Notes: SV


15:00-15:15Coffee Break   


Hall 1

Joint AFRALO-AfrICANN Meeting

Adobe Connect: https://participate.icann.org/hyd57-hall1/

Theme: "Impact of the IANA Transition and ICANN Accountability on Africa"


  1. Welcome Address - Aziz HILALI, AFRALO Chair (4 min)
  2. Opening Address - Alan Greenberg, ALAC Chair (4 min)
  3. Introductory Address
    1. Göran Marby, ICANN President and CEO (8 min)
    2. Tarek Kamel, Senior Advisor to the President and Senior Vice President, Government and IGOs Engagement (4 min)
    3. Pierre Dandjinou, Regional Vice President, Africa (4 min)
    4. Rinalia Abdul Rahim, Board Member selected by At-Large (4 min)
    5. Khaled Koubaa, Board Member (4 min)
  4. Introduction of Thematic Topic
    1. Tijani BEN JEMAA, Vice Chair and CCWG Member (5 min)
    2. Seun Ojedeji, ALAC Member representing AFRALO (5 min)
  5. Presentation of the Draft Statement
    1. Barrack Otieno, AFRALO Secretary and Sarah Kiden, Incoming AFRALO Secretary (7 min)
  6. Discussion, Modification and Adoption of the Statement - All (20 min)
  7. Closing Remarks - Aziz HILALI, AFRALO Chair (2 min)

Moderator(s): Aziz HILALI, Chair of AFRALO

Lead/ SV

Notes: HU


To inform the At-Large leaders and the wider audience on the key activities in AFRALO, as well as their objectives and progress.

To facilitate the communications and coordination between AFRALO and the wider African community in ICANN on important issues of shared interests and concerns.

Specifically, to provide AFRALO input on the activities in CCWG-Accountability WS2.



Room TBC

At-Large Technology Taskforce Meeting (TTF)

Adobe Connect: https://participate.icann.org/hyd57-granite1/


  1. Welcome and Introduction to Technology Taskforce (5 mins)
  2. 2016 Year in Review (25 mins)
    1. FY17 Budget Proposal for fixing LACRALO mailing list issues
    2. Technology Issues - Wiki Page to raise Technology related issues with ICANN and document workarounds/solutions
      1. LACRALO Mailing list Issues
      2. Making Adobe Connect Recordings more accessible
      3. Other Adobe Connect issues (polling, audio)
      4. custom email addresses for RALOs and WGs
    3. ATLAS II Recommendations - looked at
      1. Kailo - allow persons to debate the pros and cons of issues
      2. Rocket.chat  - Group chat that can replace Skype and searchable threaded conversations accessible via mobile and desktop
      3. eXo platform - can be a Policy management Process System that integrates several tools (ATLAS II Recommendation no.26)
  3. Future Technology Taskforce Activities (20 mins)
    1. finalizing testing/evaluation of new LACRALO mailing list translation tool
    2. look at OpenPGP
    3. deploying Rocket.chat for At-Large
    4. testing and reporting on eXo platform
    5. What do YOU think the TTF should do!?!
  4. AoB

Moderator(s): Dev Anand Teelucksingh

Lead/Notes: AL


To review the ongoing projects in TTF and plan for future activities collaboratively with relevant ICANN Staff members. 
16:45-17:00Transition Break   


Hall 1

At-Large Public Interest Working Group

Adobe Connect: https://participate.icann.org/hyd57-hall1/


  1. Introduction and Aim of Meeting
  2. Review and Follow Up of HIT on the Public Interest
  3. Next Steps for the Working Group

Moderator(s): Wolf Ludwig, Chair of the At-Large Public Interest Working Group

Lead: HU

Notes: SV


To mainly review the discussions/outcome of the HIT session on the public interest. 



ALAC Subcommittee on Outreach & Engagement with Next Gen

Adobe Connect: https://participate.icann.org/hyd57-g1/


  1. Introduction to At-Large
  2. Key Activities done by At-Large Community
  3. How to Engage with At-Large
  4. Q & A

Moderator(s): Dev Anand Teelucksingh

Lead: GG

Notes: AL



To familiarize NextGen students, as well as other newcomers, on At-Large Community activities and help them understand ways to get involved. 
18:30ICANN 57 Community Cocktail - Novotel lawns