Wed 29 June 2016

At-Large Leadership Work Session 5

The ALAC Appointee Selection Committee will be seated annually after each AGM 

Yes (12): leon.sanchez, seun.ojedeji, vanda, Tijani BEN JEMAA, sebastien.bachollet, Alan Greenberg, Maureen, holly.raiche, kaili.kansandra.hoferichterTimothy Dentonwafa.zaafouri

No (0)

Haven't voted (3): garth.bruenHarold Arcosjimmy.schulz

The ALAC Appointee Selection Committee’s serving period is one year from the end of one year's AGM to the end of the following year's AGM 

Yes (11): leon.sanchez, seun.ojedeji, vanda, Tijani BEN JEMAA, Alan Greenberg, Maureen, holly.raiche, kaili.kansandra.hoferichterTimothy Dentonwafa.zaafouri

No (1): sebastien.bachollet

Haven't voted (3): garth.bruenHarold Arcosjimmy.schulz

The ALAC Appointee Selection Committee has 10 members, consist of ALT Members (except for Chair's region) + one ALAC Member of the Chair's region + one regional representative selected by each RALO's leadership as per their processes

Yes (7): leon.sanchezvandaAlan GreenbergMaureenholly.raichekaili.kanTimothy Denton (voted after the fact) 

No (5): Tijani BEN JEMAAsandra.hoferichterseun.ojedejisebastien.bacholletwafa.zaafouri

Alan Greenberg casted an additional 'Yes' vote to break the tie 

Haven't voted (3): garth.bruenHarold Arcosjimmy.schulz

At-Large Leadership Work Session 6

If an ALAC Appointee Selection Committee member wishes to run for a position, must recuse him/herself prior to call for candidates

Approved by the ALAC by consensus

If there is a tie in the whole ALAC Appointee Selection Committee, the seating Chair of the Selection Committee is to break the tie and he/she must not abstain

Yes (8): leon.sanchezseun.ojedeji, Maureen, holly.raiche, kaili.kan, sebastien.bacholletAlan GreenbergTimothy Denton

No (5): jimmy.schulz, vanda, Tijani BEN JEMAA, wafa.zaafourisandra.hoferichter

Haven't voted (2):  garth.bruenHarold Arcos

Decisions by the ALAC Appointee Selection Committee 

Approved by the ALAC by consensus 

The entire ALAC Appointee Selection Committee makes recommendation of SO/AC Liaisons to the ALAC  

Yes (9): vanda, Tijani BEN JEMAA, wafa.zaafouri, sebastien.bachollet, holly.raiche, Maureen, sandra.hoferichter, kaili.kanseun.ojedeji

No (4): jimmy.schulz, leon.sanchez, Timothy Denton, Alan Greenberg

Haven't voted (2): garth.bruenHarold Arcos

CSC Liaision Selection Process 

Approved by the ALAC by consensus 

At-Large Leadership Wrap Up Session - Part 2 

Motion: Do you support the ratification of the ALAC Statement on the Revisions to ICANN Expected Standards of Behaviors for communication to the relevant parties?

Second: seun.ojedejiTimothy Denton

Yes (15): vandaTijani BEN JEMAAwafa.zaafourisebastien.bacholletholly.raicheMaureensandra.hoferichterkaili.kanseun.ojedeji, jimmy.schulzleon.sanchezTimothy DentonAlan Greenberggarth.bruenHarold Arcos

No (0)

Abstain (0)  

Motion: The ALAC adopts the revised RoP as distributed on 06 June 2016 related to Section 19 as amended during the ALAC meeting at ICANN56. 

Second: Maureen

Yes (13):  leon.sanchezseun.ojedejiMaureenholly.raicheAlan GreenbergTimothy Denton jimmy.schulzleon.sanchezTimothy DentonAlan Greenberggarth.bruenHarold Arcos

No (0) 

Abstain (1): kaili.kan

Haven't voted (1): sebastien.bachollet