EN: Carlos Vera, Gordon Chillcott, Jean-Jacques Subrenat, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Mohamed El Bashir, Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Tijani Ben Jemaa, Leon Sanchez, Yasuichi Kitamura, Alan Greenberg, Eduardo Diaz, Loris Taylor, Tom Lowenhaupt
ES: Alberto Soto
Apologies: Seun Ojedeji, Fatima Cambronero
Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Terri Agnew
Interpreter: David and Veronica
Call Management: Terri Agnew
A G E N D A:
1. Introduction Roll Call, adoption of Agenda (Olivier Crépin-Leblond - 4 minutes)
2. Review of Action Items from the meeting of 13 July 2015 (Olivier Crépin-Leblond - 1 minute)
3. Review of IANA Coordination Group Progress (Mohamed El Bashir, Jean-Jacques Subrenat, 15 minutes)