No. | Recommendation | Recipient | Thematic Group Source | Assignees | Status |
43 | RALOs should encourage their inactive ALS representatives to comply with ALAC minimum participation requirements. | ALAC; RALOs | TG5 |
Implementation Details The North American Regional At-Large Organization and the Asian, Australasian, and the Pacific Islands Regional At-Large Organization have made great efforts in contacting inactive At-Large Structures to inform them the minimal participation criteria and encourage them to re-engage with the Community. As a result, some inactive At-Large Structures were decertified and some decided to re-engage. The African Regional At-Large Organization, the European Regional At-Large Organization, and the Latin American and the Caribbean Islands Regional At-Large Organization are in process redrafting their rules of procedure and clarifying participation metrics before reaching out to At-Large Structures. As an overarching effort, the At-Large ALS Criteria and Expectations Taskforce has been evaluating the minimal participation requirements across the five regions. Regional At-Large Organization leaders are active in this Taskforce. In addition, the independent examiner of the current At-Large Review will be reaching out to At-Large Structures, gathering their participation information and perception of the At-Large Community and evaluating their engagement level. Next Step In coordination with Regional At-Large Organizations and referencing the At-Large Review findings, the At-Large ALS Criteria and Expectation Taskforce will maintain a watching brief on At-Large Structures’ compliance with minimal participation criteria and provide a set of recommendations that harmonize the mechanism among Regional At-Large Organizations to engage At-Large Structures. |