NARALO Monthly Teleconference 

Date: Monday, 12 September 2016

Time: 19:00 UTC (for the time in various timezones click here)  

*** FR Interpretation will be available

How can I participate in this meeting? 

1(800)550-6865, Teleconference EN ID: 1638

                            Teleconference FR ID: 1838

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Apologies: Timothy Denton

Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco

Call management: Terri Agnew

FR interpreter: Camila

Summary Minutes:    

Action Items: EN

Transcript:   EN, FR

Chat: EN             

Recording: EN, FR

Adobe Connect Recording: EN


1. Welcome and Roll call (2 minutes)

2. Action Items - Staff (2 minutes) See NARALO Helsinki meeting Action Items:

3 Announcements- Community Activity to Share  7 minutes-Glenn

3.1   ICANN 57- Dr. John Laprise has been selected by committee as the substitute for Garth Bruen for ICANN 57 Hyderabad. Louis Houle will be taking the 1/2 Slot offered by Alan Greenberg

3.2  ICANN 57- Valerie Fast Horse and April Tinhorn have been selected as two Tribal Ambassadors for ICANN 57 Hyderabad

3.3 Policy Development Pilot- Gordon Chilcott and Glenn McKnight have volunteered - Heidi 

3.4  Dr. John Laprise has volunteered for the ALAC Selection Committee due on July 15th

3.5   BCEC 2017 Eduardo Diaz and Louis Houle with Murray McKercher as the Alternate and for the BMSPC 2017 Glenn McKnight and John Laprise with Gordon Chilcott as the alternate

4.0  At Large Review- Nick Thorne (5 Minutes)

5.0  Outreach and Engagement & Communications (8 minutes)

5.1 Communications

Work in Progress NARALO Work in Progress

NARALO Facebook Page

NARALO Generic Emails

NARALO Newsletter Eduardo Diaz

NARALO Mail Card and Naralo Brochure - Glenn

NARALO Twitter Account - Glenn

NARALO Website - Judith Hellerstein

5.2 Outreach & Engagement   

 ARIN on the  Road- Waterloo- September

 GHTC- Seattle-October

 Freedom Online- Costa Rico- October

6.0 Membership Update (5 minutes)

Efforts to increase engagement in non-performing ALSes
  • NCAP Darlene Thompson- Recognition of her years of service to NARALO
  • ISOC Special Needs- Glenn/Judith

ALSes placed on Inactive Status

      New Unaffiliated Members

7.0  Rules of  Procedures  Update (5 minutes)

NARALO Operating Principles Review

Dates for upcoming meetings- Request for Doodle

8.0 Status  Update NARALO General Assembly 2017  Glenn (7 minutes)

-Call for Volunteers

-Aim or goals for the Event

9.0 NARALO CROPP CROPP FY 17 (3 minutes)

CROPP FY 17 Started July 1, 2016.  8 weeks still needed for processing requests.

10.0 Nom Com - Eduardo Diaz (4 minutes)

11.0 Showcase  New  ALS    ISOC  North Carolina- L.Price, Chair (5 minutes)

12.0 Review of Current ALAC Public Consultations - Alan Greenberg (3 minutes)

See: Policy Advice Page on New At-Large Website 

See: Policy Advice Development Page

See: ICANN Public Comment page 

  1. Statements approved by the ALAC
  2. Statements in process: being drafted, in comment or in vote:
  3. Statements that seem to be stalled:
  4. Public Comment requests to which the ALAC decided not to submit Statements: 
    • None  
  5. New Public Comment requests requiring decision:

13.0 Any Other Business  (2 Minute)