(If you have never attended a Connect Pro meeting before: Test your connection and get a quick overview)
Dial out Attendees:
Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Terri Agnew
Call management: Terri Agnew
Adobe Connect Recording: EN
2. Action Items - Staff
2.1 ) Issues with Decertification of NARALO ALSes
3. Announcements and Community Activities from the Membership (5 minutes)
4. NARALO General Assembly 2016 and NARALO Special Budget Requests (2 Minutes) Heidi
5. NARALO CROPP FY 16 and CROPP FY 17 (15 minutes)
6. CROPP FY 16 Reports
Personal Democracy-John Laprise (June)
7. Cropp FY 17 Starts July 1, 2016. 8 weeks still needed for processing requests.
IGF USA-July 2016 - Louis Houle & Seth Reiss
Thomas Lowenhaupt (November event)
8. NARALO Elections (20 minutes) - Judith
9. Update on Consumer Trust- Garth Bruen
Job description for consumer safeguard position has been posted, https://icann-openhire.silkroad.com/epostings/index.cfm?fuseaction=app.jobInfo&version=1&jobid=213889.
10. NARALO Newsletter - Eduardo Diaz ( 2 Minutes)
11. Request for Volunteers Working Group and Policy People- Vacancies (4 Minutes)
New NARALO Mailcard Committee- Need chair and volunteers-
12. Review of Current ALAC Public Consultations - Alan Greenberg (5 minutes)
13. Any Other Business (5 Minutes)
14 . Adjournment