Meeting Number: WORKTEAMC/0211/2
Who is on the dial out list for this meeting?
1. Roll call – 2 min
2. Review of AIs from 02 Feb 2011 meeting -- Co-Chairs, 5 min
3. New process diagrams for WT C recommendations – Dev, 15 min.
- See: Before Strategy and Budget_ver 1
4. Determination of WT C’s next steps: Based simply on a review of subtasks under Rec. 6 (note: Rec. 5 done last meeting) -- Co-Chairs, 15 min.
5. Determination of WT C’s next steps: Based on matching (“mapping”) of SWOT points thus far (i.e., those contributed to SWOTs by WT C itself) to individual Rec. 5 & 6 subtasks – Co-Chairs, 15 min.
6. Any other business -- Co-Chairs, 5 min
7. Confirmation of next meeting: Wed, 2 Mar 2011, at 19:00 UTC – Co-Chairs, 2 min