Alan Greenberg, Tijani BEN JEMAA, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, and Heidi Ullrich to put together a timeline for selecting the Board Director
Gisella Gruber, Terri Agnew and/or Nathalie Peregrine to monitor the use of additional languages over the course of a few months, as ALAC, APRALO, and LACRALO calls will be offered additional language interpretation by the Language Services.
Alan Greenberg to solicit ALT opinion on what lists to send the call for volunteer message with regard to revitalizing At-Large working groups
Olivier Crépin-Leblond to put together an one-pager with regard to the conflict of interests of ICANN sponsoring the GDD Summit
Heidi Ullrich/ Gisella Gruber to liaise with Dev and identify/organize specific At-Large members leading policy session topics as well as the format of the session.
At-Large Staff to keep track of ALAC members' voting and teleconference/webinar attendance record
Cheryl Langdon-Orr, leon.sanchez, Maureen, and holly.raiche to work on a revised charter of the At-Large new gTLDs Working Group
Alan Greenberg to meet with Chris Gift to discuss the translation tool - No longer needed.
Alan Greenberg to draft a response supporting item 1-4 of the GNSO statement with regard to CCWG Budget and Process and not to mention no.5
Ariel Liang to send announcement about the selection of the GNSO, ccNSO, SSAC liaisons; Terri Agnew to update the wiki page
Olivier Crépin-Leblond to email the ALAC about the questions regarding ATLAS II Rec 6 and ATLAS II Rec 40: 1) Whether the ALAC should follow GNSO’s example and require ALAC members and liaisons to state any changes to their SOIs at the beginning of every ALAC monthly teleconference; 2) Whether the ALAC should discuss with the GSE about raising external funds and getting sponsors; in addition, whether a taskforce in At-Large needs to be established to tackle sponsorship issues, including the development of the sponsor database.
Heidi Ullrich to include the discussion of the following public comment proceedings in the ALAC agenda in ICANN57: 1) Proposed Amendment to .XXX Registry Agreement to Transition to New Fee Structure and to Adopt Additional Safeguards, 2) Phase II Assessment of the Competitive Effects Associated with the New gTLD Program (Update: AG informed HU not to include this item on the ICANN 57 agenda)
julie.hammer to follow up with Alan Greenberg on the 360 evaluation of ICANN Board Member (not a public document) and see whether it can be shared with BCEC members
Heidi Ullrich and Alan Greenberg to work on the agenda of the ALT-CSG meeting on 8 Nov
Heidi Ullrich to add the topic on public interest in the ALT-RySG meeting
Heidi Ullrich to move Sandra's item in Part 9 to some other meeting and change the order of the WGs mentioned in Part 9: New gTLDs, Registration Services, IDN, and other
Maureen to touch base with ccNSO on additional agenda items for the ALAC-ccNSO meeting; Heidi Ullrich to add 1) WS2 activities, 2) member database comparison
Gisella Gruber to invite Carlton Samuels to Part 8 to discuss the CCT-RT item
Heidi Ullrich to include the item on the ALS database item (10 minutes max) in an apporpirate meeting time on Thu 3 Nov
Heidi Ullrich shorten the time allocation for the BCEC/BMSPC item in the Part 2 agenda
Gisella Gruber to adjust the schedule of the AFRALO-AFRICANN meeting after confirming the meeting time of the African strategy to avoid conflicts
Heidi Ullrich to include the discussion on following topics for the ALAC meeting with the GSE: 1) the FY17 special budget request and contingency fund from GSE to support RALO outreach (ATLAS II Recommendation 40); 2) sponsor database to seek additional sources of funding for At-Large activities (ATLAS II Recommendation 41).
Heidi Ullrich to include the discussions on the ICANN Academy, ICANN Learn, and Public Interest for the ALAC meeting with DPRD
Alan Greenberg /ALAC to restate its position on the new gTLD subsequent round to the Board during the ALAC-Board meeting
Alan Greenberg and Heidi Ullrich to develop the question on the new communications strategy; this question may be asked during the ALAC wrap up meeting with the Board Director in attendance
Olivier Crépin-Leblond to present the ATLAS II Implementation Report to the board toward the end of the ALAC-Board meeting in ICANN57, with rinalia.abdulrahim shepherding the discussion; Olivier Crépin-Leblond / Heidi Ullrich to contact Rinalia and let her know about her 'shepherd' role during this discussion
Heidi Ullrich to remove the following question to the Board: "Which skill set will be needed in the current constellation? This might be useful as At-Large begins its process for the selection of Seat 15."
Alan Greenberg / ALAC to revisit the Draft PTI FY18 Operating Plan and Budget at a later time (put on hold for now)
holly.raiche to review the Revised Proposed Implementation of GNSO Thick Whois Consensus Policy Requiring Consistent Labeling and Display of RDDS (Whois) Output for All gTLDs
holly.raiche to work with Tati on drafting an ALAC statement on the Phase II Assessment of the Competitive Effects Associated with the New gTLD Program