Meeting Number: AL.EU/CC.0111/1
Who is on the dial out list for this meeting?
a. At-Large Policy Advice Development Schedule
b. Recently submitted ALAC statements:
ALAC Statement on Draft Final Guidebook
ALAC Statement on Proposed Bylaws Amendments on Board Member Term Transistions
a. Update on ALAC Officer and Liaison Positions
b. Update on ALAC Policy Discussions
c. Update on ICANN developments and important Board decisions
Background Information:
EURALO Cartagena Report|^EURALO_TrimestReportAGM2010.pdf||||||\
The discussions on the EURALO bylaws were put on hold in October due to the At-Large Board Director process.
- Modifications to include individual members (See:Options to include individual members in the EURALO Structure (wiki page)
- Modifications on Term limits for Board members and Officers (See Options to Change EURALO Term Limits (wiki page))
- Modifications to allign EURALO Board and ALAC representative elections (See:Suggested Election Timeline Revisions (wiki page))
- Additional areas for possible Bylaw modifications identified by Sebastien (See Comments on EURALO Bylaws by Sebastien (.doc)|^EURALO Bylaws comments_sbt.doc||||||\)